Looking for feedback on my super soil


Well-Known Member

  • Just starting to get in to organic soil. I have been reading a lot on here and I don't post much and was looking just for a quick look at what I'm going to do. I'm going to use super soil and this is what i'm using in it. I was wondering about using the Ancient forest and the EWC together. I would like to use the Ancient Forest for teas if it is not needed in the soil. If it really helps i would leave it in.

    4 bags of roots

    3 cf of Coco (going to use only .5 to .75 cf)

    30lbs of EWC

    Ancient Forest

    2.5 Alfalfa Meal: 2-1-2

    2.5 Blood Meal: 13-0-0

    2.5 Bone Meal: 3-15-0

    2.5 Kelp Meal: .6-.5-2.5

    2.5 bat guano 0-5-0


    Humic powder

    dolomite lime

    Epson salts

    Earth Juice Rooters Mycorrhizae

    Thanks JB​

Looks good.
I saw a new soil company at the cannabis cup. Just add water to grow some dank weed. They had a nice Juicy Fruit plant at their booth.
You're talking about M3 soil... Medical Marijuana Mix!
I just did an interview with the guys who make it for 'weed World" magazine...
Have used it-- grows really good weed, great for beginners... especially if you do as they suggest and 'top dress' the soil at transition with the "Papa's Perfect Poop" fertilizer that is part of their soil mix... and they make THAT too! ;)

Great guys-- all med patients and VERY dedicated to the cause... they got sick of Med patients having trouble getting/growing what they needed... and wanted and easy organic option for them.

Decent folks! They are on facebook if interested.
OOPS! Those aren't the same guys! The guys I know are the ones that won the 2012 High Times Stash award for the "Best new Product"... their soil is a white bag with a huge Pot-leaf on it and M3 Medical Marijuana Mix...
(or for some distributors who are having legal issues- a map of Michigan and "Michigan Made Mix" on the label)
I didn't see M3 guys anywhere at the Cannabis Cup. Maybe they only sell in Michigan? I ordered some grow kits from the www.organicgrower-solutions.com site. It is supposed to get here today. Do you know where I can get some M3 to try? This Colorado soil company ships discreetly right to your door all over the country. And it's free shipping which I like. I have some clones (all different variety's) ready to go into Organic Grower Solutions soil. I'll take some pics and let you know how it goes.