Looking for heat tolerant strain


Well-Known Member
My current room setup gets pretty hot and my plants did amazingly well but I think I was more stressed than my plants and instead of fighting the heat I want a strain that can take it. Embrace it even. I looked around and Kaya Gold fits the bill but it's not readily available in us. Does anybody have a suggestion for a strain? Ideally it would be available at us seedbank. I'd rather my room be right and it is 3/4 of the year but this approach may work for me. Thank you!
Why not dial in your environment better? How hot does it actually get? Cannabis grows in some of the hottest places on earth...
Sorry I thought I mentioned id rather it be right....and it was..long story not what I'm talking about here and now. And yes like I said my plants are doing well considering but I'm taking extra steps that I can control. I just read about Kaya GOld and I got me thinking for one run a year instead of fighting to get the temp down that last 8-10 degrees or 15. Anyway thanks
Silica tends to make plants stronger in general and is something I highly recommend.
The difference is noticeable.

I've been using Mills nutrients and their 'vitalize' product is excellent.
Pricey AF but super concentrated. 1/2 tsp per 5 gals
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Thank you. Iv e been using ProTek silica just for the reasons you mentioned. I'm using organic soil, but I've heard great things a bout Mills paying the bills.
I used ProTekt a few years and it worked reasonably well.
But eventually I had problems with precipitation (non-soluble solids are formed).
I even saw it in the bottom of my pots when I was recycling soil -- looked like superfine white sand.

Dyna-gro has good customer service and will send a replacement if you contact them, but I just went with Mills instead.
Their nutrient calculator makes everything EZ-PZ. :mrgreen:
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Yep, it's one of the most abundant elements -- but how much is soluble?

Vitalize is the best form of silica I've found.

Adding sand to soil for silica is like adding limestone for calcium. :wink:
I could be wrong, but I believe the clay in the soil is the source.

Sand ... A billion years of geology sort of say not real soluble.
I could be wrong, but I believe the clay in the soil is the source.

Sand ... A billion years of geology sort of say not real soluble.
Wal-mart special kitty is the only clay I deliberately add to my soil mix (screened to filter out tiny bits and dust).
Does calcined clay have silica?

This is very interesting. :leaf: