Looking for helpful tips growing swiss cheese, the church, white widow.


Well-Known Member
im starting my plants for next season. im looking for tips growing the church, swiss cheese, white widow, how the plants do, what npk they like, what ph they perfer, ect. if you dont know and your only taking a guess dont reply please im looking for answers from people who have grow these. not someone who grows weed and thinks they know. thanks
iv looked around. googled all that jazz. found some stuff for widow and thechurch on you tude from green house. but im looking for some more info if anyone has any.... id would thing someone has to have grown some widow outside at least. i have and have done well with it just want to see what everyone else does.
The 14ft ones in the back, behind the ladder, are WW's.
This was last year (2010) outdoors.
How well did yours do?


mine where not in a greenhouse they where outside on the side of a mountain and they where 10ft. mold got them this yr. so they got chopped early. i find them take as much nut as i can give them never had them burn. what ph do you run.
I've never checked my PH

I didn't grow any straight WW this year, I grew a WW cross, "White Grape"


15ft White Grape
well thanks for posting. but im looking for answers. and iv read alot of your post and nothing seems useful. just like posting pics of ww white grape. useless to me..
The Church is great. You're going to love that strain. It can take a variety of temps and conditions. I used to grow it, but i lost the strain to a several day power outage after a major storm. It wasn't a real heavy feeder, but it seemed to prefer over-watering to under-watering. The best batch i grew had very little extra fertilizer added, just mainly what was in the soil, and i watered it daily due to high summer temps. Good luck! I miss that strain. A VERY GIGGLY HIGH comes from smoking The Church!
hmm i read that the church loves lots of nut. interesting. my swiss cheese right now is looking sick deformed leaves and drooping. not underwatering and over watering. color is fine. also green house said they like low ph. 5.5 to 6.
I have some Swiss Cheese in a DWC setup and they are beasts. I've underwatered, over fed and they just keep growing! I did manage to burn them with foliage feeding but that didn't slow them down either! I use House & Garden nutes.