Looking for information/a caregiver(I think lol)

Zoot Marlowe

New Member
I just joined as I was googling my way through information about medical marijuana and some of the posts I read here seemed like this may be a good place for me to start. My fiance(whom I will refer to as my wife many times out of habit) has stage 4 cancer, a pheochromocytoma to be specific. She was recently given a prescription for mmj by her oncologist because her nausea and symptoms + chemo have her pretty messed up all the time. The truth is neither her Oncologist or us know much about how this works. We tried contacting a dispensary but they won't even talk to us until she can come in for an appointment which they cant schedule until July. We talked to a family member of hers who has his license but he wants to charge us over $200 an ounce to grow and I can buy it cheaper off a drug dealer. We are trying to get in contact with an organization called tree of life but we haven't had luck there yet. I just realized I haven't actually asked any questions yet. We are trying to find out how we should go about finding a caregiver, and really how this whole process works. We literally know nothing about anything and everything we come across contradicts something else we found. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I'm not sure how much caregivers charge...but doesn't seem to high for a ounce of good quality grown indoor. not sure how your getting ounces of medical grade stuff on the street for cheaper then that? Why is a oncologist doctor writing scripts when they have no idea how it works? anyways, I guess your in the right place to start on here.. the dispensary are expensive and the bud isn't that great there are care givers on here who may be able to help you. good luck


Well-Known Member
I think you are on the right track. Put up another thread asking for caregivers that deliver to your area to give you a shout out.


Active Member
Ya you can find good caregivers that will deliver to your area, and 200 an ounce is not bad, especially if its quality.

Give your fam member a try, you might not have to look any further than that.

GL and best wishes to your fiance.


Active Member
Well from my experience $200 an ounce is a fair price if it is high quality. If you are getting any off dealers for cheaper than that, it's going to be low quality with very little to no medical values. With this being your first time using marijuana as a medicine you are going to want to find a good caretaker that will fit your needs. Each strain has specific properties that make it better for different symptoms. You may need to try 10 or 20 strains before you find one or more that handle your needs. You will also want to research what you are looking to get out of the meds, such as pain relief, help sleeping, eating etc. You can also look into alternative forms of taking it such as THC pills, edibles, or a vaporizer. My best advice however would be to spend the money and get the meds you need from a caregiver and not risk wasting your money on crap off the street.
Good luck