Looking for medical marijuana cultivation friendly landlord in michigan

Tree Lee

New Member
Hey y'all I'm new to the forums but I live in the metro Detroit area and have been looking high and low for a landlord who will allow us to cultivate medical marijuana on a rental property. Is there any other resources I could be checking or maybe a website? I can't seem to find much.
Hey y'all I'm new to the forums but I live in the metro Detroit area and have been looking high and low for a landlord who will allow us to cultivate medical marijuana on a rental property. Is there any other resources I could be checking or maybe a website? I can't seem to find much.

Rentals are rare. Owners do not generally want trouble or loss.

I don’t know your situation but you can buy cheap houses in Michigan under land contract without qualifying for a bank loan.

Usually 3-5k down. Look for private sellers on Craigslist and local news papers.

I have been fixing mine up out here in West Michigan for a couple of years.
My landlords wife comes over about 2 or 3 times a week for a morning toke/coffee kitchen session. Some years ago..a spot I was renting..landlord took partial rent in a satchel of buds every month. No problem. You gotta just feel em out I suppose.
My landlords wife comes over about 2 or 3 times a week for a morning toke/coffee kitchen session. Some years ago..a spot I was renting..landlord took partial rent in a satchel of buds every month. No problem. You gotta just feel em out I suppose.

I donated meds to my heater guy to get my propane furnace running. I felt like Ricky on Trailer Park Boys. Lol.

For all the years I was holding I never mentioned it to anyone outside of the circle. Legalish weed cracks me up. It’s so ironic.
Thank you so much for the advice! At what point in expressing your interest for a rental property would you drop the question?