Looking for opinions...


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that this has been asked before, that being said, what is the best out of the bag organic soil? Living soil?

If I got say, build a soil 's no till package, would I have to reammend it at some point?

Should I just stick with my promix HP?

If I got say, build a soil 's no till package, would I have to reammend it at some point?
That "No-Till" package is a lot of stuff... Not saying that you would never need it, but I really think that they are just trying to make money off of that package deal. If you want to go "No-Till" then follow Clackmas Cootz's recipe and use low Phosphorus amendments.

I am actually kind of pissed at Build-a-Soil right now. Last year, I bought a full pallet of their Modern mix with Oly mountain fish compost. I had problems with it and I had it tested, it was way to high on the N-P-K and low on trace elements. The soil that was sent was actually K tox from potassium being too high. I almost spent $1k on soil that was no better than the compost that I made!!! I had a much better result using their nutrient kits and mixing it into my compost, I cannot stress this enough. Leaf mold, nutrient kit, and aeration was the best mix that I ever made.
