Looking for Perpetual Grow Advice/Design Help! Very Stressed


Active Member
10x10x8 Flower Chamber ( 2k watts to start)
4x4x8 Veg Chamber 1k mh
2x4 Clone Room 100w fluro

Ok guys so ive been battling the past couple months on doing an Aero/Dwc setup and how im going to do it.

So what the idea is is to either do an Aero Dwc Hybrid of some sorts or a Aero Pvc system or OTHER?

Aero/Dwc Hybrid
Everyone knows the traditional rubbermaid tub with a submersible pump and misters with netpots and no media w/airstone. My plan was to do this but i also dreaded having to empty out and clean my tubs every week since my plan was to do 5-6 plants in a scrog.

Question for this setup: Do i really need a 24/7 nute monitor for each of my tubs?

Aeroponic 6" Pvc System
Im very interested in this system but my question lies here. Whats the best way to grow in this type of setup? I'm wanting to get the maximum i can but i also would like a 1-2mo veg maybe sooner. Whats the best distance between plants i can do with this type of system? 6"? 12" 24" space? Would scrogging be a bad idea? Honestly my only question lies with how many plants would be best for this setup, 2 4x4 systems under 1k light each or one huge group? How

Bottom Line Question: How many plants per light? How much spacing between plants? how long of veg? What type of training???????????????????????????

Or do 4 plants under seperate 3x3 scrogs under 4 600w lights? Idk im basically down to purchasing but i cant make up my mind. If someone with experience could chime in id be grateful!

Yes i will be using an ac unit and co2 in flower!

Also a very important question! How well would 6-9 think differents autos do in a 4x4 scrog aero pvc setup? either 2 4ft pvc with 3 plants in each spaced out 1 ft apart each or do some other kind of way.

Basically my problem is i dont know the spacing,height,or training if im not doing scrog for high yields. +rep Thankyou for dealing with my newbie self! :bigjoint::headwall:


Well-Known Member
We'll Take This a step at a time and find a nice solution for you. First off can I ask why you wouldn't won't to do a flood and drain system?


Well-Known Member
The strain will have a lot to do with how you're going to grow. My alien OG only stretched 2" but my Ghost Train Hazes went from 12" to over 2'. And to help make things easier, go with the PH perfect line of food. Less of a headache when you are starting something new. My first DWCs have been a pain due to ph going up and down every time I check it.