looking for pro help in diy led


New Member
so im small home grower on small badget that consider to change to the led game. my current goal is to make most efficiency grow light for 4x4 tent and to deal with the heat at the same time(in my country the summer is real challenge) and do it as cheap as I can.

so I found this sellers and hope for some PROFESSIONAL opinion on them:

1. https://www.alibaba.com/product-det...spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.0.0.4ae12e31EyHW2i

2. https://www.alibaba.com/product-det...spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.0.0.3f8130081kkPrc

as well I will very greatful for the right questions to ask the sellers like BIN and etc

so very big thanks for the helpers and im hope that this topic will help athers too
Your answers are all here.. Good luck
forgot to mention that im using eu plug and have 250v from the socket IF this matter
as well I need some help with choosing a driver
Your answers are all here.. Good luck

thanks man I will look it to it
R2T STRIPS are 3ft or 900mm As you want to cover a 4 x 4 they are the better option.
R2T are one of the better companies on Alibaba
You'd need a MW 480H 54A Driver and 6 + strips for a 4ft x 4ft tent.
The 3pcs Sunbar-3ft in parallelled can be driven by Meanwell HLG-240H-54.
R2T STRIPS are 3ft or 900mm As you want to cover a 4 x 4 they are the better option.
R2T are one of the better companies on Alibaba
You'd need a MW 480H 54A Driver and 6 + strips for a 4ft x 4ft tent.
The 3pcs Sunbar-3ft in parallelled can be driven by Meanwell HLG-240H-54.

thanks for your time first of all
I cheaked them out but its looks like its too good to be true ,pretty sure that's the 410.6(umol/m2/s) its total bs... but im not expert
is there any one that tested it ?

about the diods is there any way to confurm that its realy sumsung? and do u have any info about the bins?

mybe should i go with something more proven like the boards???

just small remainder thet the goal is about 40+ mol per day under 500$ if its posibal
The strips look fairly new so I don't know if anyone has tried and tested them yet.

I call them Disco Boards
I've had these boards below from R2T since October 2018 and have been using them nearly a year and a half now and they preform very well, no diodes out.
I tested them with a multimeter and an apogee par meter.
I run them at around 70 watts per board, so very softly and super efficient.

It's just a gamble buying from Alibaba as you can't really tell what binning you are getting.
The newer sun like strips are lm301b diodes. Maybe not Top bin but they'll still grow plants.