Looking for some advice


Well-Known Member
Hey how is everyone? I am brand spanking new here. This is my first post on any cannabis community forum. Needless to say I am very excited to partake in such a great community of cannabis users and growers!
But to get to the point im looking for some advice from people who have experience with autoflowering strains. I am waiting on my seeds in the mail 3 feminized +speed auto from sweet seeds. This will be my first grow and will be happening outdoor in various guerilla spots smack dab in the middle of a bustling city.
Does anyone have an experience with this strain? Any tips or comment are welcome. Wish me luck!

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
The exp I have gain from doing auto's outside is make sure you put them in a area where it will get sun most of the day. I put my Green Poison and 1 Red Poison auto in a spot where It only got about 5.5-6 hours of direct light a day and when they switched to flower about 3 weeks later they were a little 6 inch high stick with a bud on them. Once I moved to a spot where I now get Sun from sun up to sun down about 13 hours of direct light my babies are about 1 foot to 1.5 once flower kicks in. Also its good to do them organic so you don't have to worry about burning them. You want little to no stress with auto flowers any kind of stress will really hurt yield.


Well-Known Member
The exp I have gain from doing auto's outside is make sure you put them in a area where it will get sun most of the day. I put my Green Poison and 1 Red Poison auto in a spot where It only got about 5.5-6 hours of direct light a day and when they switched to flower about 3 weeks later they were a little 6 inch high stick with a bud on them. Once I moved to a spot where I now get Sun from sun up to sun down about 13 hours of direct light my babies are about 1 foot to 1.5 once flower kicks in. Also its good to do them organic so you don't have to worry about burning them. You want little to no stress with auto flowers any kind of stress will really hurt yield.
Thanks! I should be getting good amounts of sunlight and I 100% agree with organic grow. Im going to use fox farms ocean forest soil, my homemade seaweed liquid fertilizer, and some blackstrap molasses. Going to keep it simple and hopefully in around 2 months time ill have some product.


Active Member
Autos like a lot of light, most seed banks recommend 20 hours of light. I have seen autos run outdoors in areas where they only get maybe 6 hours of sun and the buds were consistently very sparse and fluffy. They smoked OK but if you're able to I'd highly recommend doing them indoors.


Well-Known Member
Autos like a lot of light, most seed banks recommend 20 hours of light. I have seen autos run outdoors in areas where they only get maybe 6 hours of sun and the buds were consistently very sparse and fluffy. They smoked OK but if you're able to I'd highly recommend doing them indoors.
Thanks for your opinion. I think they should be alright outdoors. I am starting an indoor grow soon but i plan to first practice using freebies then i would use better genetics. I really want to grow some super lemon haze!

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Make sure you put them out young. My Red Poison and Critical Jack Auto went from 300w HPS to Full Direct sun light at the 2nd Node with no effects to them.


Well-Known Member
Oh starting them outdoors you have a greater chance of it not making it. If started outside start it in a shade area not direct light.
You think i should harden them off even if i start outdoor? I dont think ive heard of that before but in not too experienced but that sounds like a good point, dont wanna fry my seedlings. Ill start them in my yard out of direct light