Looking small for 3 weeks?


Active Member
I dont know i just got some out of my dads soil that he had.

What new kind should i buy?
And how do you go about changing soil and not killing it?


Well-Known Member
get something that alot lighter & airy. hold in one hand upside down gently pull off pot, then place in new soil. not to hard


Well-Known Member
That soil kind of resembles mud :( are you watering a lot? Just use some good potting soil, no nutrients either (I mean additional)... if you have been watering too much, I would let it dry out a bit. The plant looks very pale and fragile...


Well-Known Member
Yeah that looks like shitty soil. Just pickup the best potting soil you can find. I've had good luck with Black Gold from my local hardware store. And be careful not to over water. Just mist the soil a couple times a day till it starts looking healthy.