Looking to grow real Kush

Monster Man

Well-Known Member
Hello there
Does anyone have any info on where to find real old school kush seeds. I was looking into CSI Humboldt Bubba Kush S1 seeds and have been trying to find Purple Kush seeds too but with no luck.
The Bubba Kush S1s are a good choice, as would be a bubba cross, so long as the bubba used was top tier. Hazeman has an excellent Bubba, you can email him for a current list if you want to see those crosses-he has a lot of old school strains you might find tempting. AKBB works with Purple Hindu Kush, although I think he only has one cross of it on his list right now...BUT, I really want his PHK, so I emailed him about it a week or two ago, and he wants to release his latest F version of his PHK in a few months. There are some incredible pics of his PHK inside the AKBB thread-you might be able to find them with a search. Definitely keep a lookout for AKBB's PHK in a few months...I hope it's available for his usual, buy 2 get 1 free Black Friday deal. Send him an email for a current list, and let him know you want that PHK too!
I bought seeds from Crop King. $60 for 5 feminized seeds. Only tried to germinate 3; 2 sprouted and are doing well. Hoping to harvest in the next 3-5 weeks. I’m in Michigan (lower half of the lower peninsula) btw.
I just cropped out 92 OG, SFV OG, Topanga Canyon Pure Kush and LA Pure Kush.

I would suggest you look for things with 92 OG or TCPK (aka Hollywood Kush) if spicy, piney terps is how you define real Kush 92 OG is bred by Thebank cannabis genetics, they offer seeds.