Looks like a male butttttt......


Heeeeeeey everyone. My plant was pretty much full grown by the time i got it. It had been outside and i continued to keep it out there when i brought it home. I have now moved it indoors under a plant light and a fluorescent light. It's a good 4ft high and looks GREAT. We've had it on 12/12 now for a week and im noticing changes. Can anyone tell me what i am looking at at the early stages of 12/12? It has little bud looking things but no real MALE identities. AHHHHHH! Im becoming frustrated :(



Well-Known Member
there are no pics lmao dude, but u are looking for little hairs for females and small ball clusters for males. takes up to 3 weeks to actually notice anything.


3 weeks into the 12/12 cycle? Yeah i think all i am seeing right now are Pre-Flowers. All my pictures are blurry, ill try and get a good one and throw it up so you kinda get a feel for what i saying and seeing :) Thanksss!


Alright fellas here a few...give me the news... im unsure but then again it only has been a week since the beginning of 12/12. Is it still to early or is it totally a dude?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I had to chop one i spent months turning into a 7' tree so I can sort of feel your pain, such a shame. One out of six though so not nearly as bad as your situation.


Yeah mines is a good 4 1/2 5ft now..That was one out of one..sickening..Wheres the best place to get feminized seeds?


Active Member
I had a "mother" that I cloned 10 off of only to flower them and they all were male. The second "mother" clones, all
Hermie. Finally , Nirvana PPP feminized. All is well now.