Looks like nute burn but can't find the source


Im about 3 weeks into my grow using Cfls plants are in organic soil and I use Schultz 20-20-20 but I'm not even using half the recommended dosage however my plants are showing signs of nute burn. When I first noticed it I flushed them out and used just water with no nutes but it seems to be progressively getting worst. Any ideas of the source?


Active Member
I don't feed until about the 5th week, Diluted as well.
Just give them PH'd water and see if they recover.
Already burnt leave's will stay that way.
Only keep an eye on the new growth.


Well-Known Member
At 3 weeks you could be just starting feeding, but even half strength is way too strong. You need to be down like 1/6 strength, or 1/4 strength. You want to be in the 200-300 ppm range, including what's in your water. So if you started feeding a week ago, you def burned them, and that's the source.

So when you "burn" a seedling, what you're burning is root growth. What you're seeing on the leaves is just a sign of what happened below a little earlier. Stick with plain ph'd water for another week or two so this plant can try to recover. It has to start pushing out new healthy roots that not only support the size it is now but will allow for growth. When you start seeing new, healthy growth for a week or so, then you can start feeding again, but seriously, keep it to about 1/6 strength for a bit if you don't have a ppm meter. Then after another couple of weeks, go to 1/4 strength. I've run entire grows at 800 ppm max, which is about 1/3 of what the label on the nutes bottle says.


Active Member
Too much nutrients.
Use better nutrients and pH the water to around 6.4 for soil. Get the proper tools to grow and it's much easier. pH and ppm testing tools are very important in mixing the proper ratios of nutrients for the specific stage in the plants life. Never use anything close to the recommended concentration on the package. Maybe 1/4 strength. Especially if growing indoors.
So to fix the problem flush the plants with at least 3 times in gallons of water to gallons of soil. So 1 gallon of soil flush with 3 gallons of water, 5 gallon soil flush with 15 gallons. This may seem excessive but the only thing that is excessive is the nutrients in the soil. Don't worry about pHing the water. Just flush the plants. Flushing should be done as quick as possible. Next water with a mild nutrient solution. 200-500 ppm is good. Also moving the light up and further away will help reduce stress by reducing light intensity. During watering and or adding fertilizers you should check the run off water for the pH. This will give you an idea of the pH of the soil, allowing you to adjust the solution prior to watering to balance it.
Pictures will help with a more specific diagnosis.


Well-Known Member
Too much nutrients.
Use better nutrients and pH the water to around 6.4 for soil. Get the proper tools to grow and it's much easier. pH and ppm testing tools are very important in mixing the proper ratios of nutrients for the specific stage in the plants life. Never use anything close to the recommended concentration on the package. Maybe 1/4 strength. Especially if growing indoors.
So to fix the problem flush the plants with at least 3 times in gallons of water to gallons of soil. So 1 gallon of soil flush with 3 gallons of water, 5 gallon soil flush with 15 gallons. This may seem excessive but the only thing that is excessive is the nutrients in the soil. Don't worry about pHing the water. Just flush the plants. Flushing should be done as quick as possible. Next water with a mild nutrient solution. 200-500 ppm is good. Also moving the light up and further away will help reduce stress by reducing light intensity. During watering and or adding fertilizers you should check the run off water for the pH. This will give you an idea of the pH of the soil, allowing you to adjust the solution prior to watering to balance it.
Pictures will help with a more specific diagnosis.
Checking run off means nothing...u need a soil pH tester to know pH of soil....

Organic Toker

Active Member
Hiya Banksy,

Reminded me of http://banksy.co.uk/ :)

Let them grow peacefully till a month old at least. For now please do give plain water, not too much not too low. Then start by giving lowest possible strength of fertilizers and some mulch. Would love to see some pics though. Do read the forums here, will help you plan out things.




Active Member
i was wondering, im learning how to dose my nutes and ive noticed i get burn over 1000ppm so i decided to go way more easy and this time one of my girl is showing a sign of nute burn at 550ppm 6.1ph is that possible? she's 36 days old in veg in soil

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