Losing fan leafs quick... help week 5 flowering


Well-Known Member
Im just about to start week 5 flowering. On my topped plant is yellowing a bit at the bottom but I think that one is a defic....

But my best looking plants top fan leafs are start starting to yellow/brown and twist up and. maybe die? Not sure.

Here are some facts about my grow so you can come to a conclusion.

400w hps cooltube
439cfm exhaust fan attached to tube
FoxFarm OF soil
Strawberry Cough - Feminized x 4

Ok as far as my nutes go.. i didnt know big bloom was not a stand alone nute.. ive been using it like that. Ive ONLY been giving my plants 1.5 TEAspoons every other watering of bigbloom.. I realized this was wrong and went and bought TigerBloom today and plan on using it next watering. I gave my plants a x2 pot size flush 2 nights ago.. so they are in 4gals so i gave them 8 gallons each of reagular water.

I have a feeling that me only giving them 1.5 teaspoons of bigbloom every other watering is why they are yellowing/browning so bad.. due to deficiencies... that is my theory... anyone have any other reasons why they are doing this???

no pics atm. But its getting worse every day.