Lots of Love

George W.

Hey everyone im new to this site and am just starting my first indoor grow. I have grown outdoors and in greenhoused before but im attempting to start something better inside. You can see my grow journal under George W. Grow. As of right now I am running into some problems and would apreciate some help or info. I love this site and the community and am hoping to become a large part of it throughout the years.


George W.


Well-Known Member
Hit up people in your grow journal ask questions and im sure someone would be happy to help you, if not post up your problems here!

George W.

Hey I invite anyone to check out my grow journal in that section of the forum under George W. Grow. Ive been having some problems and could use any advise I can get.


George W. (and by the way in my parts George W. is another name for weed not any political affiliation on my part I dont believe in a goverment that has no room for weed in their agenda)