lots of root growth, but no plant growth?

my plants have rooted like crazy, but the plant doesn't seem to be growing. the clones rooted out the small pots, then i transplanted them into 10litre pots, but i think ive transplanted them to early. if i let them root out the small pots a bit more, then the plant would of grown more instead of just growing roots, but now ive transplanted them into 10 litre pots so soon the roots have more space to grow so that's what they're doing I think?

If this is the case, then I guess I'll just have to wait until the 10 litre pots have been rooted out, then the plants will shoot up hopefully?

if im wrong correct me and tell me why they're not growing lol

light: 600watt MH
medium: Canna coco
Nutes: at the moment I'm using canna a + b and rhizotonic
ph: 5.7-6.0

I'm just hoping its because they just want a good foundation before shooting up :wall:

no clue

Well-Known Member
I think all you can do is wait and hope they grow. You probably get this but don't over water in the meantime.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
plants will establish there root system before they start upward growth. just be patient once they start growing they will probably grow like weeds


Active Member
ye 6 to 6.5. Try leaving them be abit, fuck me they grow way faster when u dont watch over every spare minute. Lol i used to aswell, less is more ;)


Well-Known Member
Like that dude said. There establishing a root system. The plants growing, it's just growing roots. And yah you start getting under 6.0-Ph your getting into the danger zone. Your further off being on the other side of the Ph 6.5-7.0 Ph.


Active Member
I'm having a slightly similar issue, though my ph is in the process of being lowered (now about 7). In Canna, sand, earthworm casting, compost mix. Stalks are getting thicker, but no upward growth lol. Was FIM'd about three weeks ago and the roots are pretty well established.
Is this only due to the ph?
Think I might be over-watering but leaves don't show signs.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Check your nutes solubility to get your Ph just right. Fox farm 3 part is best at a Ph of 5.8. Others could be a little different. But you want to be between 5.8 and 6.3. Good luck!