lots of very good info about lights (must read)

phil le b

Well-Known Member
Lights or grow lights enable the grower to extend their growing season to the
whole year. Marijuana lighting also give growers a large amount of flexibility in the
growing process. Because the marijuana grow cycle is dependant on the hours of light the
plants receive, artificial lights enable the indoor grower to begin the flowering process
whenever they want. There are naturally disadvantages to using grow lights to grow
marijuana. They often cost quite a bit especially the good ones. Also there is the cost
of the electricity. Growers usually use either MH (Metal Halides), HPS (high pressure
sodium lamps) and Fluoros. As a rule of thumb, MH work best in the vegetative period and
HPS work better in the flowering phase. A combination is often used. Fluoros do work,
however they are usually in commercial marijuana lighting.

The amount of light that marijuana receives determines the quantity and quality of the
plant and buds. The photo period is the number of light hours verses dark hours in 1 day.
Marijuana usually needs 12 hours of dark each day to begin flowering.
Under continuous light Marijuana will grow but will not flower and produce buds.
Darkness makes the plants produce flowering hormones and regular undisturbed darkness
will make them stop growing and start flowering.
Outdoors the seasons control the photoperiod. As the summer comes to an end and the
nights become longer cannabis flowers ready to produce seed. Indoors you control the
photoperiod so you can start flowering whenever you wish.
Sunshine is more intense than any artificial light and is free. However some places on
earth just don't get enough. Greenhouse growers can supplement sunshine on dull days
with electric lights hung in the greenhouse.
The most efficient types of marijuana lighting are sodium or metal halide high intensity
discharge (HID) lamps. Metal halides are strong in the blue spectrum of light and are
good for growth. Sodium lights are strong in the red spectrum of light and are good for
High intensity lights also come with different shades. All combinations work OK but its
best to use sodium bulbs in horizontal shades for flowering. Plan on giving 30 to
60 watts of light for each square foot of growing space.
Lights get hot and can burn plants that get too near. However the closer the light to
the plants the more intense light they receive. In general keep 400watts hps lights
about 30cm to 40cm but if u got a cooltube u can take it down to about 15cm above
plants and 600watts hps 35cm to 62cm but same again if u got a cooltube u can keep
light at about 20cm 1000watts hps should be 45cm to 75cm or with a cooltube about 30cm
above plants.

Fluorescent light is fine for the growing stage but flowering plants really need more
intense HID light. If fluorescents are your only choice choose alternate rows of "Cool
White" and "Warm White" bulbs and place them only a few cm's away from your plants.
Marijuana grow lights
The purpose of this FAQ is to help limit the spread of misinformation regarding
effective artificial lighting systems, and help those who choose to grow marijuana
plants under artificial lighting make an informed decision before buying a grow lamp.

This FAQ is not going to tell you how to use your lamp, that information can be found
in most grower's guides.
There are three major types of lighting systems available right now for growing
marijuana:incandescent, fluorescent, and high intensity discharge. Incandescent lights
are horribly inefficient (especially the screw-in "grow bulb" type) and really not an
acceptable option for marijuana plant growth. Although they are inexpensive to purchase,
their cost of operation makes them the costliest source of light. Therefore avoid at all
Until the early 1980's most indoor marijuana growers used fluorescent lights to
illuminate their garden. These tubes have tremendous advantages over incandescents.
They emit about 3 times as much light as an incandescent (given the same wattage),
and the light spectrum is one that plants con use more effectively.
However, they do certainly have their limitations. Light is emitted over a large area,
so it is not concentrated. Because of this, the lights have to be hung very close to
the plants, and constantly moved to accommodate plant growth. This makes garden
maintenance rather difficult. Marijuana plants can often grow very quickly increasing
the times the lamps need raising. To add to this, in the flowering period, fluorescsent
lights are not effective making them a poor choice for lighting marijuana plants.
Fluorescents are, however, very useful in cloning, and starting seedlings. Because
in these stages, a plant is not growing vertically very quickly, the disadvantages
of moving the lights are reduced. They also put out a more gentle light than the
HID lamps, and release less heat.
If you choose to use fluorescents, it is best to purchase the 'cool white' variety
or a mix. The ones that are sold as grow lamps (including grow-lux, vitalite, etc.)
are much less efficient than a standard fluorescent, and just do not put out enough
light to be useful. The slightly different spectrum produced by these lamps does nothing for most plants.
High intensity discharge lamps are easier to use, and more efficient. Low wattage HIDs
are sometimes sold for household outdoor use. Large Wattage lamps are used for lighting
streets, parking lots, stadiums and other large areas. They come in two basic flavors:
Metal Halides or MH lamps emit a white light that looks slightly bluish. They are used
to light stadiums, convention centers, gymnasiums, and other large areas where a natural
looking light is desired.
High Pressure Sodium or HPS lamps emit a pink or amber light. They are used for lighting
parking lots and other areas where the color of the light is not important. HPS units are
much more efficient than MH ones, producing more light and less heat per watt of energy
consumed. They are often used alone with no detrimental effect on the plants, and will
promote faster plant growth than MH lamps during both vegetative growth and flowering.
Combinations of bulbs are NOT required, as the HPS lamp does produce all of the light
spectrums necessary

for healthy growth.
MH lamps are available in 175,200, 400 and 1000 watt sizes. HPS lamps come in
50, 75, 150, 400 and 1000 watt sizes. Each lamp requires its own ballast, which
comes with the fixtures that are designed to use these lamps, and are also available
receive 18 hours of light per day during vegetative growth and 12 hours per day when
flowering. most hard ware stores and other electronic shops sell timers. they are
usually very cheap . It may be advisable however to purchase a more robust timer if
your serious like a pool timer.
The following chart shows how much light each lamp emits, and the area that it covers
Lamps of Lumens Sq. Ft
4'FL (CoolWhite-40W) 2,960
8'FL (CoolWhite-75W) 5,800
MH 175W 14,000
MH 400W 40,000
HPS 70W 7,600
HPS 150W 16,000
HPS 400W 50,000
HPS 600W 90,000
Marijuana grow rooms should receive 1000-3000 lumens per square foot. Successful gardens
usually are lit at around 2,000 lumens per square foot. During the vegetative stage,
plants stretch out when they receive low levels of light. During flowering, the flowers
are looser and sparse.
When choosing which marijuana lights to use in your garden, we suggest a combination of
MH and HPS with flouros used in cloning and early seedlings. It is also important to
chose the right shade. Some will reflect light much better than others. Any good supplier
should be able to recommend the best for your requirements.

well hope this helps u out please leve comments and rep cheers peps