

This is what i have been thinking.
As gay as it sounds give it a chance and tell me what you think :)

Basicly. I think that we all are searching for our "TrueLove" our "Soul Mate". The feeling of being alone and waiting for that person is different in everyone. In some people it may strong, in others it may be weeker. When we find someone really attractive and in a way they mirror your personality, we want to believe so badly that we have found our "Soul Mate". So we fall in love with the idea that she/he is our "Soul Mate" - An Illusion. Thats why most relationships, they come to an end. Because The love they felt wasnt real. But mearly an image we created in our heads, so it fades away and those people break up/Divorce. But the people who do stick together they really have found "True-Love".


Well-Known Member
this isn't my opinion on the subject, but a friend of mine used to say we never really know true love. she'd say that the first guy she fell for, she was in love with him...then they split up and after a while she was "in love" with the next guy, and that put the first guy in the feeling just got stronger and more intense each time she "fell in love"

so no matter what stage you're at, can you not assume that there could be another lover in the future, for whom you feel far more strongly than you do for your current lover?

i reckon you make your own love, it's not some airy fairy eyes locking across a room thing and it's not a 'we've been together for 40 years' thing. you can force yourself to love someone, and i believe you can force yourself not to. i suspect that there will never be a universally accepted theory or definition of what exactly love is, how it feels, and what it's worth, but i can't deny that it's damn good fun no matter what.


I didn't fall in love with the illusion of him being my soul mate. I dont even know if I believe in the whole "soul-mate" thing or not.. I just fell in love. Plain and simple. But as time goes by, and we share precious life experiences together and we fall even deeper in love, now he's starting to seem more and more like my "soul-mate", if that really does exist. So what I'm saying is, it doesn't necessarily happen like that for everyone.. my scenario seems to be kind of the opposite of what you were saying.

I'm high and laughing at the sappyness of what I just typed lol but hey, its true ;-)