Lower Bud Question.. Please Help!


my plant is about 6 feet tall
growing under a 400w HPS bulb.

its been flowering for about 2 and a half weeks now.

question is, how do i get the lower buds to grow??

my plant grew into 2 seperate stalks so i pulled them apart a little bit to get more light to direct in the middle.
but its not seeming to do much with the growth...
all the top buds are doing just fine.

would getting a 600w HPS bulb help??

also, what kind of nutrients can i buy to help boost the THC % ??
or does that all depend on the strain?


Active Member
a more intense light would help, but its not necessary...throw in a few 2700k CFLs at the bottom as long as the light is contained in your space pretty well...THC content is for the most part, genetic, but there's a few supplements in the market that make for slightly jucier buds...check out general hydroponics or dutchmasters lineup


a more intense light would help, but its not necessary...throw in a few 2700k CFLs at the bottom as long as the light is contained in your space pretty well...THC content is for the most part, genetic, but there's a few supplements in the market that make for slightly jucier buds...check out general hydroponics or dutchmasters lineup

its not hydro.

its grown in soil..

any nutrients i could pick up?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, more light is definitely what you need. If you have the option to go with a 600, do it asap, it'll increase your yield by a decent percentage. 6 feet tall, is quite a bit taller than a 400 HID is capable of penetrating effectively, or even a 600, or 1000, for that matter. Go with the full 1000 watts, if you can, it penetrates much further than either of the others. You'll thank me later. :wink:

At any rate, CFLs will definitely help the lower buds fill out, and remember...the more, the better. Also, the bigger, the better.


i think ill put some CFLs on the lower buds instead of purchasing a 600w hps bulb

@lightningmcgreen what kinds of nutes do you suggest i use to get ''jucier buds''


Well-Known Member
^Any nutes will work, as long as the plants are getting what they need. It's not the nutes, it's the lights that do the trick, bar none. :cool:


Active Member
theres a foliar spray made by Dutchmasters called Liquid Light...a bit pricey, but you'll almost double your foliage as it basically just amplifies the amount of light soaked in your plants (which is also great for those lower leaf/bud sites that dont get a whole lot of light)

as for "jucier" buds, thats gunna take some trial/error and experimentation because varying strains take nutrients differently, so what may be the best for mine, may not be for yours...id look into maybe some B'Cuzz nutrients, or the Bada Bing series from Holland Secret