Lower Leaf Twist and Discoloration Help Please (Pics)


Hello everyone, and thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I am a fairly new grower and have ran into my problem twice now. The first time claimed a couple of my ladies, and I would love to get a more pinpoint solution to my problem. My lower leaves begin twisting as shown in the pictures proveded. Now I am beginning to notice some discoloration which is also shown in a couple pictures. The pics are from two seperate plants.

This is a DWC system with a 28 gallon resoivoir. I am currently running Fox Farms Hydroponics solution and have stuck with the feeding schedule at the best of my ability. My lights are plenty far enough away to where the leaves are not twisting due to heat stress, and my grow station runs at a nice cool 75 degrees. My PH is set at 5.8 on a freshly calibrated meter. I recently added Dutch Master Zone to assist with root health and the product works great! The problem has happened before without running the Zone so this isn't the issue. I have recently flushed my system, ran clean water for 5 hours, flushed and refilled with nute water. I have dialed down the nutes to 1.5 EC (and have had it much lower) trying to solve the issue. My tap water is about 110 ppm and .3 EC. I gave the two plants having issues a foliar feeding and it didn't help, almost accelerated the discoloration. My plants are on their third week in veg and I am desperate to hear your professional solutions. Thanks for any input you can provide.


Keep in mind that I have several other plants in the same system with no signs of these issues. They are growing strong and beautiful.


Active Member
Looks to me like a PH issue. Are you sure you are calibrating your meter properly and getting correct readings?


Slanty, I felt that it could possibly be a PH issue as well. However, from my personal calibrated meter, and one of my friend to confirm, the PH is in order. I have calibrated my meter with the 3 PH calibration solution and the 7. Meters are both spot on.

OldLuck, Thanks for the link to that site. I will definately reference it in the future. It looks like it has some decent material that I can utilize.

Going to stick my two plants which are having issues in thier own bubble buckets and run the nutes at 1/4 strength for a while to see what the resolve is. Thanks for the posts!