lower leaves turned yellow in a day...


New Member
I have an outdoor plant and I think that the rain has just flushed the plant or something. The lower leaves are yellow. The rest of the plant looks good. Could it just be because of too much rain? There is plenty of drainage, but the rain was constant for about 48hrs. I guess I will check back on her tomorrow, but I wanted to know if anyone here knows what it could be. Thanks


Pics would help. Sounds normal to me, leaves on the lower main stalk usually die off when the canopy starts to get bigger.


New Member
if its just the big fan leaves ,they usually turn yellow and die off starting at the bottom...a pic would help

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
Sound like the plant just got hungry ^^
The bigger the plant, the easier it seems to use up it's lower leaves for food if it doesn't have enough nutrient
Just give it some more food when the rain stops ;)

Cheers Jimmy.