lower/mid leaves yellowing AGAIN

Xen Cuts

So I gotta say, this is about the 3rd post I've made on this same problem, and it just doesnt seem to want to go away, let me start of with my grow box specs.

125 watt cfl.
20-4 light times (changing to 12-12 soon tho so I'm worried)
12 ml micro 6ml gro, and 3ml of bloom for the nutes
ph is 6.0

So yeah, the lower leaves were yellowing around the edges to start, and when i looked it up, it looked to be a perfect example of magnesium def. So i went out and bought some epsom salt, and added it to the nute mix (after i balanced the ph, before i added the nutes) and started feeding it to the plants. It didnt help. Then after talking to you guys, I found out in order for the girls to be able to extract the magnesium from the water, i needed to raise the ph to around 7. I tried that, and it is still getting worse.

I really am at a loss. Is this even magnesium def? Or maybe im missing a crucial step here.

Hopefully you guys can help me out. Heres some pictures from about 3 days ago, it has gotten considerably worse since then tho.