Lower temps and cannabis?


New Member
I was wondering if there is too low of a temperature for cannabis. I've already googled and I saw that cannabis can survive even down to 40 degrees outdoors but what the second part of my question entails is indoors. Specifically, can my plants withstand 60 degrees from a usual 78-80?

i figured outdoors gets gradually colder over seasons allowing the plant to build up a sort of tolerance. Also, what are symptoms of cold stress (? Lol) ?


Well-Known Member
Can get purple stems/ leaves from cold stress. Sativas handle cold better. Cannabis thrives between 75-80 but can still be grown in lower temps.


Well-Known Member
I grew up in Florida where the temps were hot most of the grow and my plants always did very well, 7 years ago I moved to the mountains where it is cooler. Now my plants grow in temps that range from 50 to 54 at night to the mid 70s during the day time, the growth is somewhat slower that with the higher temps and at my altitude being about 6500 ft the amount of CO2 is also much lower, so that is also a factor for me. you can have off colored stems and veins from the cooler weather but nothihng that actually affects the plant's health. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Yes, they can handle 60 deg. temps. Mine have went down to 60 many many times. You can expect a little slower growth but not by much. the main thing you want to be careful of is how much
of a temp swing there is. 75 days and 60 nights your okay. 80 to 60 is a bit much and can be stressful and stunting to the plant. Your fine no worries.


Well-Known Member
when the plants roots get cold it causes the plant to slow down.
If you put down black plastic or even clear will work to heat up the soil around the plant.


Well-Known Member
Your plant actually appreciates a cooler nighttime temperature. And don't be sooo sure your purplish leaf stems are from cold temps.....I had a buddy who had a strain that consistently experienced purplish stems and his nute feeding was spot on.....it was just the strain.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying its ideal but I grew basically 12/12 from seed in the texas "winter" ..they were sativas, but they got 4" of snow as seedlings(it was crazy luck, I've only even seen snow maybe 5 times) and stayed in the 40s most of the time they all grew slow and weren't huge yielders but they lived and gave me quality bud... definately need to bring temps up if your doing this indoors


Well-Known Member
Your plant actually appreciates a cooler nighttime temperature. And don't be sooo sure your purplish leaf stems are from cold temps.....I had a buddy who had a strain that consistently experienced purplish stems and his nute feeding was spot on.....it was just the strain.
I've had 2 this year with purple stems (the male is gone now) but they have shown purple traits from day 1. She is happy and healthy all of the leaves are strong and green.
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Cooler night temps are fine. It's really frost you need to look out for or consistent temps below5C-10C