lowering ph safely in hydro...


I am using rock wool and watering at 5.7 ph my run off is high (6.5-6.8 )

how do I lower the Ph SAFELY ?

I dont want to do anything drastic that might hurt them even more Im getting nute lock up from it and its hurting the plant

Any tips from someone who has had this issue? View attachment 2244487


Just give them a good flush with at least 300% run off. Use a flushing agent like Clearex...let it run for 24 hours, then go back to the regular nutrient program. Usually, depending on how heavy you feed, you should incorporate a regular flushing to avoid this type of thing in the future.

I'm not 100%, but I think a high PH is indicative of root rot. So you might also want to incorporate some food grade hydrogen peroxide to help kill off any harmful biology in your root zone.

Make sure your res temp is lower than 75.....and incorporate a product like sensizyme in your program.


Well-Known Member
I flushed and washed my res every two weeks during veg, I mean empty, warm water and dish soap. During Flower I did it every seven days. I mean flat out scrub, wash, dry and refill and remix. With that said to answer your question you buy ph up and ph down at the store or on amazon. You get a meter and adjust it when you refil. I also checked mine every two or three days when the tank was flooded and it did move up and down so I would just adjust it.

Hope it helps.