Lowering PH ????


Well-Known Member
i recently transeplanted my girl into a new pot and it was doing awesome for a day. then i noticed some yellowing of the upper leaves and i checked the ph and it was at 8.5 . now i need to get it back down. my soiless mix contains lime but its being a whore and not doing its job.

So.....my question is i have already put her in a new pot now how do i get the PH lower? :spew:


New Member

Im far from a pro, but ive heard that lowering your ph like to 4.0-4.5 will adjust the PH eventually. bring it down. But you might want to second that.
Hope that helped a little.



Well-Known Member

Im far from a pro, but ive heard that lowering your ph like to 4.0-4.5 will adjust the PH eventually. bring it down. But you might want to second that.
Hope that helped a little.

no that didnt answer my question at all


Well-Known Member
you need ph down from your local hydro store,, its only about 10 to 12 dollars, but you need it,, eventually, before its too late,, there is other stuff to try but,, there is no substitute for this,,, its gotta be done...


Well-Known Member
ok, I used to live in kalispel,, and I know that there are at least pool stores, if not hydro stores by now,, pool stores will have ph down,, there you go,, not sure where your at but I spent some time in misoula, or however its spelt, Im a little baked for spelling, but you know what im sayin...:peace:......


Well-Known Member
wow no shit .i would tell you what city i live in but i am growing. lol ne way thanks for the advice i will try that tommorow.


Well-Known Member
beleive me,, I dont want to know shit about you,, just have a good grow, and show some good pics when your ready,, it is what its about..sol good.:peace:..


Well-Known Member
i recently transeplanted my girl into a new pot and it was doing awesome for a day. then i noticed some yellowing of the upper leaves and i checked the ph and it was at 8.5 . now i need to get it back down. my soiless mix contains lime but its being a whore and not doing its job.

So.....my question is i have already put her in a new pot now how do i get the PH lower? :spew:
Different people have different favorite solutions to this problem. Try this idea: get a jug of plain white vinegar. Drop a couple capfuls into your water. Circulate the system, and repeat the process, till it comes down to about 6 ph. Other simple additives (like lemon juice) may not work very well for several reasons. White vinegar in low doses seems OK to me.


Well-Known Member
Different people have different favorite solutions to this problem. Try this idea: get a jug of plain white vinegar. Drop a couple capfuls into your water. Circulate the system, and repeat the process, till it comes down to about 6 ph. Other simple additives (like lemon juice) may not work very well for several reasons. White vinegar in low doses seems OK to me.

should i do this everytime i water from now on or is it a one and done solution?:joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah, that kinda worked for me for a short while,, its a good fallback, just until you can afford the right stuff,, but its not a one time thing, do this every water until your PH is at or around 6-6.5, and you should be good, as mockingbird said it works, just keep checking your runoff until your at or around 6-6.5......:peace:........


Well-Known Member
yeah, that kinda worked for me for a short while,, its a good fallback, just until you can afford the right stuff,, but its not a one time thing, do this every water until your PH is at or around 6-6.5, and you should be good, as mockingbird said it works, just keep checking your runoff until your at or around 6-6.5......:peace:........
what is the "right stuff" lol i heard i can get something to lower my ph at a pool store. Acctually wierd thing happend i went to wal mart and picked up some ph strips and white vinegar. and when i got home i checked the ph of the bottom portion of my oil and the top. the very bottom was nuetral and the top was at about 8. freakin wierd.:evil: now what? lol


Well-Known Member
ok, first things first,,, "the right stuff" is a movie that was made in the 80s,,, but thats not important right now,,,,, and as for your oil,,,, sure you meant soil,,,, the top should be less if you watered with vinigar,,, eventually your runoff will get lower,,, check when watered,,, but dont get carried away and water too much or put too much vinigar,,, just be careful and watch your plant/s to make sure all is ok......


Well-Known Member
oh yeah,, as always,,, remember,, Im not exactly a pro at this but from my experiences these are my opinons,,, just trying to help a brother out....:peace:.


Well-Known Member
the only thing I wanted to add is that lime is alkaline not acidic so the lime is why your ph is high if you added more lime it would go up. Organic sulfur will make it go down but it takes more time than you want it too. I like the vinegar myself.


Well-Known Member
definately,, Im with that,, lime could be the culprip,, have you tryed phing your water first,, if so how is it,, mine is like 8.5,, crazy sh1t....:peace:....


Well-Known Member
definately,, Im with that,, lime could be the culprip,, have you tryed phing your water first,, if so how is it,, mine is like 8.5,, crazy sh1t....:peace:....
yea i use distilled water and it is at 7,perfectly nuetral ya i havent added any more lime my soiless mix jut contains it. what i have added is bone meal, dried blood, and perlite. is blood alkaline?


Well-Known Member
there you go,,, just order this stuff that email just put down and your golden,, why f around with stuff that works sometimes when this is the sh1t,, youll not need or want anything else other than than ph down,, I know that other stuff works for emergency situations but if your going to do this and can afford the 15 dollars,,,, do it.. you wont regret it,, I know....:peace:.......