Lowlife auto blueberry advice needed!!! Not flowering? Rep+

I have some automatic blueberrys going right now and are 30 days old. The breeder says they get 10-14" tall well mine are already 20" and have had preflowers for about 10 days now but since showing the preflowers it hasent done anymore flowering just vegging so im confused will it flower or should i put it under 12/12? HELP or advice would be appreciated!!! thanks


Well-Known Member
i dont have a whole lot of experience with autos. but i had done some research awhile back and would possibly suggest switching over..


Active Member
they will turn mate just give them time, i have 6 af's atm and they didnt start anything amazing up until week 6 and now im on week 8 and the buds are fully formed and 40% haris are orange :D The ruderallis in the autoflowers can cause some flowering lag in myexperience. If they dont show true signs of buds by the 50th day id say wack them on 12/12 and force flower (Last resort)


I too have some Lowlife auto blueberrys,they are into week 6.they have had pre flowers for a couple of weeks now,but not much has happened since.
Im gonna give it a week or so more on 18/6,then switch to 12/12 to force some action!


Active Member
Once you swtich to 12/12 what that will do is trigger the hormones to start flowering. So although it isn't flowering now it will within a week of going 12/12. Peace. =)


Well-Known Member
i have no experience with autos and prob never will since i grow from clone. it seems you could trick it with 12/12, but i dont know how the hormones react in an autoflower, i thought the plant needed sleep regardless of auto or not simply to use up the energy it has stored. some people believe that after 6hrs the plant cannot use anymore light and needs to rest for an hour. i tried this and didnt like it. it does work in veg, but screwed my flowering. the only advise i can give is to just wait. every strain is different and has different flowering times. most of the bud you get happens in the last few weeks anyway.
so many different views what to do? there still not flowering and im confused! There over 2 feet now and im running out of room can anybody help?


Well-Known Member
I've grown quite a few auto's. No blueberries though. All have pre-flowered by the 2nd week, and have buds buy the 3rd week. None have lived past 70 days. So if she ain't flowering by the 3rd week. I'd be a bit suspicious whether it's an auto or a photo plant. Maybe the blueberries genetics throws a kink it. Or maybe it has some how gotten crossed with a super auto. But that's pretty doubtful. That's my 2 cents man. Let me know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is telling u to click them 12/12, I think u should because they will still grow some more & if u r already running out of room, id do it asap. Goodluck & happy growing.


Well-Known Member
I've done some checking around and basically I have found that the Lowryder Auto Blueberry is an unstable strain. Not quite all her seeds will auto flower.


Well-Known Member
im growing this strain now didnt show preflowers till i switched to 12/12 5 weeks in. im now on week 13 from seed and just waiting for the buds to fatten up and ripen as they seem a bit airy. lots of crystal production on them though

IC Colors

When autos work its like magic. But more often than not there's problems ie. dwarfs, no 20/4 flowering, male fems, high % of males in reg. packs and more. Personally I gave up on Lowlife products despite some succeess with their AK47. My best auto run was EasyRyder.
The whole problem u guys don't realize is that autos is 20/4 grow cycle...they take longer if u do 18/6 and that's from experience


Well-Known Member
Im growing autos right now, one starting flowering without any change at week 3 the other one did nothing until i switched it over. Its actually advised to run any from from 12-18 hours of light after the 3rd week from what iv read