Well-Known Member
so I posted on the Lowlife Auto Kush beans I started almost a month ago and out of 5 beans only 4 germinated and one of the four was retarded it grew a stock that had 4 leaves on top like a palm tree. Well the shoots by the cotyledons exploded and it's literally like getting 2 plants for the one and 2 others are doing wonderful also but one is a lot smaller than the other 3 and it's also a different shade of green it's a lot darker. I've been using General Hydroponics Floral Nova Bloom, Cal-Mag .....PH in 5.8 300 PPM at 30 days . California Substrates, Coco 600w HPS.....I feed/water once a day and will water twice a day when flowering. Any comments....Info......suggestions would be appreciated...Thanks