lowryder #1 harvest.


Well-Known Member
Looks good buddy but when rule of thumb is you lose 75 % of your wet weight when you dry. so do the math but thats a fucking sexy harvest man try easy ryder or auto ak47 next time homie


those are some fat arse nugs u got there toke. 128g wet - 75% = just over 2oz ???

neva the less job well done m8


The Potologist

Active Member
Yup Yup looks like some sexy dank you got there :) I hope you enjoy her. Going to give her a cure at all??

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Active Member
I was thinking about them. what type of set up do you have.
light, how much room do you give them.
They grew in a 4x4 tent with 400w on top and 2 125w cfls by the side. Check the link if you would like to see the whole grow mate.

[ QUOTE=The Potologist;4418231]Yup Yup looks like some sexy dank you got there :) I hope you enjoy her. Going to give her a cure at all??

Peace, Love, and Happiness[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot for the kind words bro. Im going to be curing them for 3 weeks then smoke away.



Active Member
all my girls are chopped now and 2 have dried and are curing at the moment, check the link in my signature if you like. And bigv i weighed the stems and it was a grand total of 4.2 grams