Lowryder #2 almost ready for harvest.


First grow using minimum light unfortanetly but all i can do right now. im at about day 65 into the grow but because of the lights process is taking a little longer. but she is close i think to harvest the top is anyways bottom still has alot of white. im posting some pics of her now gimme some comments and suggestions, it has been a completely organic grow! used small cfl light bulbs 2 for veg and then got a 3rd for flowering.IMG-20120723-00372.jpgIMG-20120717-00345.jpgIMG-20120719-00346.jpgIMG-20120721-00361.jpgIMG-20120723-00363.jpgIMG-20120723-00364.jpgIMG-20120723-00365.jpgIMG-20120723-00368.jpgIMG-20120723-00369.jpgIMG-20120723-00370.jpg


A few weeks you think. I thought a week tops! the main cola is about 50 percent amber but the bottom of the plant is still white im thinkin i can cut the top soon and leave the bottom to finish???


Yea man lol its a bare minimum grow best i could do for the first time but i think it has turned out pretty good for what i used. used household lamps pretty much for the entire grow i think i will get a minimum quarter from the harvest .i used 24hr lighting. blue spec for veg and red for flowering. purely organic grow also i thought my buds were gunna be smaller because of the weak lighting but im surprised how big they are turning out to be.


Latest pics of my plant and a pic of the setup i have been using to grow this baby!! im pretty impressed for what i have got and used i notice my plant is taller and lankier than most lowryders but i know its because of the weak lights and the plant stretching buti kept the light as close as possible for most the grow cant wait to cut it down and try the bud out! all organic so its gunna taste sweet as fuck!!!IMG-20120726-00380.jpgIMG-20120726-00374.jpgIMG-20120726-00375.jpgIMG-20120726-00376.jpgIMG-20120726-00377.jpgIMG-20120726-00378.jpg


Well-Known Member
you shouldn't harvest based on trichomes. that is a preferential measure after judging the plant based on visual ripeness

this is ripe fruit

july 06 051.jpg

notice receded, almost completely orange pistils, and the general hue


you shouldn't harvest based on trichomes. that is a preferential measure after judging the plant based on visual ripeness

this is ripe fruit

View attachment 2272331

notice receded, almost completely orange pistils, and the general hue
yea she looks nice!!!!! i havnt harvested it yet here are some new pics o havnt got a fuckin magnify glass yet i need i know!!! but the main cola is starting to look real buff! i used weak lighting for this but kept it on for 24hr lighting. i noticed some leaves dont go yellow on lowryders im also thinking because of the lighting my buds wont be the biggest they could be! the top of the plant looks about a week ahead of the bottom 2 sections of the plants


oh yeah, I've chopped the top cola off and dropped lights down to let lower sites to develop you just can't let them go too long, a week tops I'd say.