Lowryder AF Fem.


Active Member
alright, so Im planning on starting up a lowryder AF grow. Never worked with a lowryder before, not sure if theres gonna be a terrible difference, but still.. I like to know about what im dealing with before I have to actually DEAL with it. Im looking at Lowryder 2 X Auto AK47, thinkin about a 400 watt HPS/MH set up. Plan on using 5 gallon pales for the pots, I doubt they need that much space, but Im new to lowryders, so Im basing this off outdoor strategies. Possibly a CO2 setup if Im feeling ambitious. What would be your suggestions on light timing? I believe I recall them doing well with 20-4 all the way through from an aquaintances op. Im am planning on building a box with ventilation fans at bottom and top to create good airflow and also as somewhate of a temperature adjusment. Would you say that mylar coating the inside of the box would be worth it, or does it really make a difference with lowryders? Do you guys believe that misting them is a good or bad idea (eveyone has mixed feelings it seems on this)? The buckets will be altered to prevent sitting water at the bottom. Nutes are also a concern? These things stay fairly small, so I have concerns about the roots, will they root out like a bitch, or are they so dainty that nute burn is a real issue? I could always dilute the nutes, and I use a slow release system, so thats going to give me a bit of a buffer, but still good to know. When potting these, is there a recommended length to put them down? I normally do about a pointer finger down to the second knuckle or so.. any issues as far as that would go?

Would like to start off with 2 going, but the big question I have would be in regards to cloning. When do you lowryder fanatics think a good time to clone one would be? Does the small size of the plant play a role? I am planning on staggering grows so I can harvest every month, looking for a quap or so, but Im not all that concerned with it at this point. I dont need anything big and bad for these guys, just looking to try some new lowyder stuff, Ive heard good and bad things about them, however the good outweighs the bad.. so why not.

Hit me up lowryder growers!



Well-Known Member
you can't clone auto-flowering plants. if u want to keep growing it use non fem so you can get your own seeds. but if you're only growing two for sure use fem and you'll have to keep buying them. auto-flowering plants don't revert back to a grow stage.

Good luck.

Chronic Don

New Member
If you want to continue with your "mother" auto-flower I think you need to get femmed seeds from her.
Why not make your own femmed seeds on a few branchs? I am doing a lr2 grow to produce femmed seeds for an outdoor grow this summer. I plan to induce the male flowers with Gibberillic acid at 50ppm sprayed once every three days for a total of 4 sprays. this should induce the male balls to show. How-ever I am anewbie at this and would like to hear how femmed seeds are actually made. where do you get the pollen from and what is proper way to make fem pollen that is hermy free/lessened?


Active Member
hmm, making my own seeds does sound interesting, never looked into it much, however, like I said, this is just for something new to do, so Im not worried about getting too into it as of right now, dont want to get ahead of myself. So okay, as far as seeds/strains go, does anyone have a suggestion for a high yield lowryder with quick results? or does anyone have suggestions for something thats got a little bit more potential to be that killer chronic? And as far as purchasing, what sites would you suggest, I always produced my own seed crop so I wouldnt have to worry about it. Looking for discreet shipping, and you would all probably suggest a P.O. box?

Chronic Don

New Member
order from the joint doctor try his diesel ryder it is supposed to be the most potent form of an auto-flowering plant

I have pictures and some commentaries on this thread http://www.420magazine.com/forums/outdoor-growing/90565-auto-flowering-plants.html"]http://www.420magazine.com/forums/outdoor-growing/90565-auto-flowering-plants.htmlif[/url] anyone wants to see how my old lowryders are doing, these I have left, as the first one sprouted feb 9 was a male, have been up since mid feb (19th t0 21st)over a few day stretch. they are now over 5 wks old and still havent flowered, they are less then a foot tall and two are at 7th node 1 is at 6th node and one at 5th node.

Chronic Don

New Member
you can't clone auto-flowering plants. if u want to keep growing it use non fem so you can get your own seeds. but if you're only growing two for sure use fem and you'll have to keep buying them. auto-flowering plants don't revert back to a grow stage.

Good luck.
I pardon to differ. you can revert auto flowering plants once they start flowering. I am growing lowryder 2 plants and since my first up one was a male I have cut clones from him and put in a glass with a 25ppm of gibberillic acid and water solution. They are starting new growth and have CHANGED GENDER to put out a few white hairs.

I also cut off a few growing tips with male balls and have the pollen saved incase its needed, and to maybe cross pollenate a few other breeds I am going to grow this summer, see if I can't come up with a large plant 6-8ft tall that'll flower on is own outside.


Well-Known Member
chronic, you got it wrong man.. autoflowers are cloneable for sure. they will root and continue to grow. this is the nature of any plant. what you neglected to think about is the life cycle of this particular strain of cannabis. usually a cannabis plants life cycle is controlled by the sun. as the days get shorter, the plants know winter is coming and rush to produce pollen or bud. with a ruderalis (autoflower) variety, it has a set lifespan of 8-10 weeks. this is because their native land is a part of russia where there is a very short "growing" season. your clones will root and grow fine. the only problem is that they will flower at the same time as the plant they were taken off of. this means you will have tiny plants flowering where as they could have been branches on a larger plant flowering. luckily you only have male clones so as long as you get some pollen off them, youll be golden.. good luck!!

Chronic Don

New Member
chronic, you got it wrong man.. autoflowers are cloneable for sure. they will root and continue to grow. this is the nature of any plant. what you neglected to think about is the life cycle of this particular strain of cannabis. usually a cannabis plants life cycle is controlled by the sun. as the days get shorter, the plants know winter is coming and rush to produce pollen or bud. with a ruderalis (autoflower) variety, it has a set lifespan of 8-10 weeks. this is because their native land is a part of russia where there is a very short "growing" season. your clones will root and grow fine. the only problem is that they will flower at the same time as the plant they were taken off of. this means you will have tiny plants flowering where as they could have been branches on a larger plant flowering. luckily you only have male clones so as long as you get some pollen off them, youll be golden.. good luck!!
Yes I have taken lots of pollen of my 2 males now. I am trying one female clone now too. And yes I agree they will clone, but to what end is what I think they mean when they say cant clone, unless I can make they veg and grow , cloning is a waste of a branch


Well-Known Member
there you go man!! dont let these fuckers tell you what you can and cant do!! cloning an autoflower is a waste of a branch that will produce bud, but can be done..! keep it up and let me know how it goes!!


Active Member
cool, thanks for all the feedback, keep it comin if you guys have more to say. I been growin for a good amount a time now, and I didnt really buy the "no cloning" myself, its a plant, you can clone any plant and it will grow.. all it means is a quick slice and some rooting hormone.. not a big deal to make it grow, however, is there an issue wtih how quickly they flower or the yield? reason being that these plants may be bred to wait till a certain age and then start budding, so a clone may not have the same time frame. Im not farmiliar with Autoflowering strains, but that would make sense.. so in that, will a clone of these plants be a lot smaller than the already small lowryders? Not that its a big deal, sounds interesting enough as to where Im going to try it anyway.. I jus like to cover my bases and know what Im looking for before I actually start looking