Lowryder Deisel and Auto AK47 grow questions


Active Member
I started auto-flowering Lowryder Diesel and Auto AK47 (four of each) about 20 days ago, I started them in regular potting soil, and a little perlite. I used fluorescent lights for about a 10 days as close as I could get them, then switched to a 250 watt metal halide. I believe I had the metal halide way to close, at about a foot from the plants, because they look droopy, I've moved the light to about three feet now. I've got good air circulation, and an oscillating fan blowing in the room. I haven't used any nutrients yet, but I just bought the Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom, should I used the Big Bloom? How much should I feed it? Are the leaves droopy because the light was too close, did I wait too long to feed the little guys? I'm putting them in some Fox Farm ocean forest potting soil tomorrow and adding another 250 watt metal halide. I'm just concerned about the size of them, they are only about 4 inches tall, but maybe it's because they are auto-flowering. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! -AntiHero


Well-Known Member
yes u should give them nutes but only 1/4 strenghth to begin with, things should speed up nicely, drop that light back down a bit other wise they will stretch make sure you give them fert with nitrogen in it not bloom nutrients as these r for bud time.

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Hey. I am a newbie so take my advice with an extra grain of salt, but I do know that you dont need nutrients for a month when you use FFOF. I used fox farms ocean forest in a grow this summer and those plants took off FAST it was great, until helis found it.

But anyway Im stoned rambling. Typerambling, tyrambling?
I think for vegging at least, the FFOF is really great. But I guess since autoflowering strains only veg for 14 days, I would start some low strength flowering nutrients
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Well-Known Member
also they really start going crazy once flowering starts accutally thats where they get the biggest. Especially the auto ak47 I don't know about the nyc desiel as I have not grown it but I am on my 2nd time on my auto aks.


Well-Known Member
I personally just picked up the auto ak myself... your plant may have been droopy due to it being thirsty and as for the length you want your light from the plant...put your hand at the top of the plant if the light is hot on your hand, its hot on your plant not good. Move it until you can feel a little warmth..... Blooming nutes have nitrogen in them just less of it the first 14 days of a plants life i usually only give it tap water b/c the tap water has enough disolved solids in it to feed your plant while it develops its first set's of leaves then I'd prolly give it 1 dose of 1/4 strength grow nutes and the rest bloom
I am about to start my 1st auto grow...and I am following this one carefully. I too have auto AK's...but because of my budget (and this damned economy) all I could get was free soil from a grower buddy of mine...it's MG Moisture Control Potting Soil. I'm scared to use it because of the nutes already in there. So I'm thinking of doing 3 in my DWC and 2 in the MG (just to see what happens). Thanks for this thread...I'm watching and learning.

Good luck...