Lowryder II DWC Trial run


Well-Known Member
Lowryder II DWC Trial Run

This is my first attempt at growing period. Be nice if you feel so inclined to comment.

Setup(so far):

  • 8 net pot DWC
  • 2 airstones
  • 2 CFL's
  • Growbig advance nutrients
- Verilux "full spectrum"
- red spectrum wattage?

Moved into my new place and found it had a washer/dryer room. Of course we don't either so I figured it was perfect for growing trees.

Ordered attitude lowryder II and had little success in germinating in rockwool. (I used non ph adjusted water) I then used paper towel method and left them too long and was only able to salvage one seed which I had to split open rockwool to get into place.

So I have one plant with 7 open net pots.

Hopefully I have learned the mistakes of germinating and starting the plants. Ordering more seeds soon.

Beginners hopefully you can learn from my mistakes (waiting too long add nutrients, and leaving seeds in papertowel too long)

Here are Pics from first week - two weeks (waited too long to add nutrients slow initial growth)




Well-Known Member

So the light fell on the plant again and almost snapped a branch off.

Question, should I take it off (it is hanging very loosely)

Question I just flush the res. and wiped it with bleach water, do the roots look like the need some type of treatment?

Question do the leaves look healthy they kinda have weird shape

Thanks !



Well-Known Member
Here is an update :

added super boom
and other micro nutrients (freebies from hydro store)
added treatment to water because was on the virge of root rot. (another freebie from grow shop)

(check out the new seeds freebies super skunk g13 in the humidome)(5days)



Well-Known Member
glad to see so many replies LOL

this girl has really taken a liking to the new ferts.


In a few weeks I should have some smokeable bud.

Hopefully I'll get at least one female super skunk so I can clone instead of buying seeds.




Active Member
This is pretty cool.

Can you say the light setting your using for seedling and veg growth.

I have a sprout of the "-ryder" family

I read from maker of Lowryder seeds that flowering 12/12 is terrible. You have to use at least 18/6 is what I read.

What's your setting. Please!!!


Well-Known Member
THANKS TO CRAIGS LIST I now have a 400w hps and a 100w i think mH industrial lights with built in ballasts. for $100

All I can say is holy crap it is bright!

trying to figure out best place to put it maybe hanging it



Well-Known Member
THANKS TO CRAIGS LIST I now have a 400w hps and a 100w i think mH industrial lights with built in ballasts. for $100

All I can say is holy crap it is bright!

trying to figure out best place to put it maybe hanging it

People on here seem to think that light leaks cause hermies, which are bad, so watch out. I would suggest, and am very new myself, to hang one of the new lights you got as this would be best for dispersing all the light. You probably will not need the cfls anymore with that much light, nice job.:clap: