LSD - barney's farm, 1st journal....2yrs exp


Hello and happy smoking yall

indoors - Deep Water Culture
apx. 2ft X 4ft veg space
432watt T5HO NewWave48
no ventilation but door opening and closing at the moment
humidity range 30% - 55%
current temps low60F, high84F
using tap water... i set tap water in bucket with airstone for two hours to get rid of any chlorine/amine or whatever lol
1 fem seed..... LSD strain from barneys farm

11/20/12; popped seed in 2"rockwool cube soaked in Azos

11/29/12; popped that sprout/seeding on top of a 5Gal bucket
- nutes at 1/4 strength.... 3 part micro/grow/bloom, ORKA, GH Diamond Nectar, Botanicare PureBlend Grow, GH Florablend



12/13; changed out nutes....
- 3part @ regular strength, ProTekt, ORKA, GH Diamond Nectar, Botanicare PureBlend Grow, GH Florablend



12/20; decided to trim fan leaves...... always struggle with this... like it hurts me to cut em lol


12/24; took 4 cuttings and put those in a humidome

will have pics n more update soon

hope i'm not forget'n anything.....


Well-Known Member
Some people say to even leave tap water for a day in the open just to let the chemicals escape. Your plants look nice though, subbed. :)


ya know... I actually used to be really anal when i 1st started growing; about water in my buckets. HAD to be R/O water at exact ph. I did some messin around and found that tap water did just as good as R/O water, for me at least. As far as the product...... mostly Lemon Skunk so cant complain either way LOL

Here are some pictures,
couple days after taking cuttings
cuttings doing ok so far
used Azos for plug soak, and I mist'm with H2O+superThrive
my avg to root has been about 11 days... we shall see

happy growing!


Hey all
I changed the res nutes today, I'll throw in some pics of some other projects I have going. Was gonna post a seperate thread... but.. anyways..

LSD roots, bout to get some fresh liquids

LSD after a resevior refresh!

HolyGrail 69..... been growing side by side with LSD, gonna be taking some cuttings from'er soon

an OG Skywalker I have going for about 3 weeks now

no roots from the LSD clones just yet, but my Speedy Gonzales and Bubbalicious sprouted in 3 days... thats cool :)



hmmm.... not sure whats going on with photos.......... anywho,

had a 7 hr power outtage today... was bitting my nails for a bit, but all is well in the grow room lol

the ladies after an extended rest today



OG SkywalKer

picked up a bottle of Advanced Nut Mother Earth bloom, ..... gonna give that a shot once the LSD clones root, saw a little bit earlier.
they also gave me a sample of "ROCK supercharge", some root stuff.... still looking for info on that.

so yeah..... once the 1st set of LSD clones root,
then 6X LSD clones + 6X HolyGrail69 clones,
once those root, then we'll have a full house for las florecitas! ahahai!



Thanks skyRocket!

going to be setting a couple of rooted LSD cuttings, and some autoseedlings in DWC,
will be trying out DynaGro as base nutes for this DWC res., well just that and proTekt, and I am thinking "rock supercharger" root tonic. see what comes of that.
Will also be taking some fresh cuttings to feed my hungry humidome hehehe
pics soon



alright..... was up pretty late with cuttings n trimming. have my "on" time at 6pm,
want to see how much of a difference it will make on the elec bill for using mostly "off peak" hours. we'll see.

so here is what came of it;

got 5 LSD, and 6 HolyGrail cuttings.... 2 of the 1st 4 hadnt rooted yet, so I'll give'm a couple few days more.

here are the ladies after cut n trim..... no clones taken from Skywalker just yet, is about 10 days behind the other two mommas.

so now hopefully those other 2 LSD clones will root so I can add them to the res,
other than that, now waiting for new cuttings to root so I can get them in a res.
will be putting the 1st clone res in flower side......we'll see.
want to see some roots dangling in solution and strong growth before flowering.
will keep yall updated
as always,


well, getting some yellowing on my clones.... only a couple days after getting them under humidome.
had (2) 23w cfl's over'm..... cut 1 off to see if that helps,
otherwise the temp and hum was good, 79F / 90%... right? anyways

I have changed my res water/nutes...... gone from a 3 part base to the DynaGro 1 part.
The ladies seem to like it, check em out;

OG Skywalker, LSD, HolyGrail69

happy growing


Well-Known Member
Good looking grow man did you build those buckets yourself? I was dumb and bought the general hydro one the only difference is they have a little tube so u can see your water levels ha, and it has like a drip ring too but I put a air stone in the bucket anyways more bubbles the better ha


Well-Known Member
Defenitly subbed looking awesome and want to see some liberty, we have similar grows i have same same size tent. Check out mine if you like im doing PE, you're defenitly got more variables of your setup on lock then i do


Good looking grow man did you build those buckets yourself? I was dumb and bought the general hydro one the only difference is they have a little tube so u can see your water levels ha, and it has like a drip ring too but I put a air stone in the bucket anyways more bubbles the better ha
i actually wanted to buy those GH units... i just couldnt spend the cash.
what they sell in the stores looks and works well, just too expensive for me. if i wasnt so dang poor, maybe i would. lol
your'e not dumb though, growing your own is a VERY INTELLIGENT thing to do.
money wise...and being one with nature and all that hahahaha



Well-Known Member
Yeah idk those things are expensive for just the bucket with a little tube ha but yea next time I plan on making my own, a rubber maid tote with 6 4 inch net pots should do ha
the ladies are looking really nice how much longer do you plan to veg before you flip them?


Alrighty then....... another night of trimmin, cuttin come n gone,
took clones from LSD and HolyGrail again, 7 each.
No clones from OG skywalker, YET.
I have noticed pistils, preflowers, on all three mommas, so they be ready to grow some flowers.

SO... in a couple few days, once the LSD and HolyGrail have recovered, the will be moved into 12/12.

the first set of clones in the 18GAL tote are doing good. roots down into water already.
The two autos arent looking so great, but it HAS only been a week or so,
pics coming,..



hope your weekend is going well so far friends!

so, here is the res in which the 1st four LSD clones were set in along with my speedy g, and bubblelicious.
the two autos have been a little slow for my taste, but I think maybe I might have put them under the flouros too soon.
I also noticed the clones a little yellowish..... checked ph, it was at 7.6, ..... now normally I dont care, but since they looked a little sad, I lowered the ph to 6.4. They look a little better. I think besides keeping an eye on the ph for the LSD strain it appears, ..... I should also start the nutes at 1/2 strength oppose to 1/4. I'll try the next batch just adjusting ph, if not then I'll up the nutes a bit. Just switched over to Dynagro from a 3 part base....growing pains lol
I also was given a sample of the MagPro, I could add some, but the mommas are doing ok with the Dynagro.....anyways...,

LSD momma, about to go into 12/12 WOOHOO!!

HolyGrail 69 momma, also going into 12/12

so my second set of clones should be rooting any day now,
2 mommas heading out so there'll b room for that......... 12 site, 18Gal tote, same as the other i have pictured just 12 instead of 7 sites.

So I think i have my flowering side sealed up pretty good.
nothing fancy, more worried about light coverage.
got the 400w'er, but planned on upgrading to 600w.... just didnt work out.
So I just need to slow my roll on the clones and I'll be ok,
i've been know to crowd my space hehehehe, .... just trying to get my shit down tight ya know.
I'll be topping off my res' with Dynagro Bloom now during transition for the 12/12ers.
Still have a bunch of left over ........ "product" to be nice lol
So maybe I'll hit the girls with some AN super tea,


