LSD blotter stuck to the inside of plastic bag


Well-Known Member
I dont know if we're allowed to talk about specific drugs here on open forum but I have acquired some tabs from a friend. and the LSD itself is stuck to the inside of the small plastic zip bag it came in. its liquefied/dried itself to the inside of the bag. remanence of the liquid is on the inside of the bag.

does that mean the dosage is wrong on each tab due to some of it rubbing/leaking off?
When I always get sheets there's a residue on the inside of the bag its in. Not quite sure what it is but its nothing to worry about, you won't be physically seeing your doses of acid unless you're taking crazy amounts
That's probably just left-overs from processing of wood pulp into paper. There are looots of interesting things in watercolor 14. As Noinch said, it is unlikely that you could see the acid--if you can actually see crystals of the drug, it's not acid, but another (less potent) substance. If it is just crap from paper, you probably don't have to worry about much acid soaking out of the tab. If the tab was bagged still damp but not dripping, 90%+ should still be on the blotter. Don't sweat it.