LSD, Sour Cream, Vanilla Kush. Ready to harvest???


This is my 2nd grow, but first grow with an 400wHPS. I chopped one of my LSD plants last week because almost all the pistils darkened but most of the trichomes were milky white. But I didn't chop my other LSD plant because there was still a lot of white pistils left. What's strange was both plants were flowered at the same time so I don't know why one aged faster than the other. I have listed my descriptions under each photo. I want to know if I'm harvesting at the right time and if not, how many days until I do.

LSD. 3 out of 10 trichomes are amber. 50 percent pistils have browned. I plan on harvesting on Sunday.

Sour Cream. 3 out of 10 trichomes are amber. 50 percent pistils have browned. I plan on harvesting Sunday.

Vanilla Kush. 1 out of 10 trichomes are amber. 10 percent pistils have oranged. These don't look ready this weekend. But I could be wrong.

Here's what my plants look like from a distance. Sorry the color is off. I tried to bring out the true colors in Photoshop since the HPS light makes everything yellow/orangish.

Also does it really make a big difference putting the light under 24 to 48 hours darkness before harvesting?



Well-Known Member
Like what ^ said if you give those 2 weeks they will swell so much and pack on more weight worth the wait brother worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
i have grown the sour cream and you are no were ready with that picture. mine went almost 12 weeks, it got so fat and solid it started leaning really bad but from that picture id give her at least another 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
your lsd looks different than mine, but the pic where its starting to foxtail is kinda like mine. I just cut mine down the other day at 99 days.