Lsdoc if things werent crazy enough


Well-Known Member
Once again I had my favorite psychedelic amphetamine. I also picked up some lsd and a little weed. Only problem was its 9 am and my fiancée (the keeper of the doc) is sound asleep.

To the firestick I go, loading up some gore and I take four hits of l.
The raid: redemption starts and my body tenses up a bit as I liege nightmares of the people being killed on TV. Slowly reality starts to flow away as crimson splatters start oozing out of my walls and floor. Raid ends and I want to watch some fighting so I put on Ip Man. Very fast martial arts and solid action and im pulled into the Chinese countryside. At times I feel as if I can smell the food and the smoke and the other smells you would associate with what is going on in the TV.

She is still not awake so I smoke a few blunts and relax into the couch. Im seeing colors in the air and stars and galaxies swirl before my eyes.

I put on futurama, several episodes involving dimensional drifts, alternate dimensions, space, and the futurama finale about the time stop device. I start seeing green and yellow gold mathematical scripts popping out.

Suddenly I feel a warm body crawl on top of me, and I smile knowing full well things are about to get crazy! She hands me a movie "mirror mask" which I had left outside her door.

What's this for she says a bit confused with sleep. I ask her if she opened it, and then open it for her revealing six hits of acid. She takes three and saves the rest. She had taken her doc the night before and was probably tired from sleeping it off.

She hands me a small plastic bag. I open it and pull out two hits of doc, 1mg each. Place them on my tongue and chew them up a bit as we cuddle on the couch. Its now about 1-2 pm. Within fifteen minutes I get a goofier smile on my face. Blue color starts crackling over my field of vision. The show ends and she suggests we go upstairs and try watching the new movie.

Its kind of difficult getting upstairs as colors like reds and blues and green and gold were melting out of everything. We get to the room, and that's where things began to get really weird.

We get to our room and I stretch out on the bed, feeling the electric energy of the doc merging with the lsd which instead of tapering off seemed to be coming back with a vengeance.

She puts the movie in "mirror mask"

A little background on the movie. Its produced by Jim Henson, so you know its gonna be surreal and crazy (David Lynch might be the only weirder director). Its about a girl named Helena who gets pulled into an alternate dimension which is reminiscent of drawings she does. She has to battle a black witch to return to her dimension and find a mask made of a mirror so she can travel back to her regular dimension.

So the movie starts. Helena is a circus performer who no longer wishes to work in the circus. Her mom faints during a performance and the next thing Helena knows she's has been warped into a different dimension. During this time my fiancée and I are in awe at the special effects. How did they get the tent to pop up in our room? There were so many blocks folding and unfolding all radiating blue and white colors and gold letters and symbols reminiscent of mathematical equations.
Every scene in the movie was spilling into the room in glorious 4D technicolor and colors that didn't exist. When I wanted to move blue bands of light would expand from my body to wherever it was i was intending to go. For instance if I was going to the bathroom id see a blue beam reaching out to the bathroom and some blue spots on the floor where I would be putting my feet to step.
After the movie ended we decided what the heck lets watch it again. Which we did. And it still made next to no sense. The visuals from the movie were expanding out into the room and rippling all over the walls. We were both completely immersed inside this surrealistic world of giants and tiny things of ghosts and turkey cops with wooden legs.

The movie ended and we both had so much energy I asked her if we could do something else, which we both decided it was definitely time for some good old fashioned sex... Which turned out to be much easier said than done. Being so high and tripping so hard I was having problems and seeing circuit boards and flashing lights sprout out of her back and legs was not helping. After about half an hour of not really being able to do much I told her I was having problems focusing and I might try again later. I add this part cause it seems to happen to me while on large doses and im curious if anyone else has experienced something similar. She had a much easier time with me and we eventually went to sleep really really early in the morning.

All in all it was fantastic. Usually on this combo I do doc first then an hour after I take the lsd. This slightly different dosage seemed to really mind rape me and be over the top in visuals which I loved. I did experience a little vasoconstriction and had her massage my legs and back while I did the same to her.