LST/FIMing 101?


Hey all!

I have some seedlings of varying maturity, but some of them have reached about 6" tall and have 3 sets of leaves so I'm beginning to think about plant training and when/how to do it. My question is, for maximum yields, should I bend the main stalk first and allow multiple shoots to form, then top/FIM those shoots, or should I FIM the main stalk first then do something with the 4 new shoots?
Hey all!

I have some seedlings of varying maturity, but some of them have reached about 6" tall and have 3 sets of leaves so I'm beginning to think about plant training and when/how to do it. My question is, for maximum yields, should I bend the main stalk first and allow multiple shoots to form, then top/FIM those shoots, or should I FIM the main stalk first then do something with the 4 new shoots?
Hi how are you today? You got the right idea going, I would start now its easier when the stems are younger. First you need to know which way you want it trained. If you were circle training for example I would lean the stalk over to the side of the pot and put in a nursery staple (coat hanger cut and bent works the same) and pin the stalk down but dont take it to the dirt it will break, some ill do a little per day and push it in more the next day. If the shoot is cooperating turn it round the pot and a few more pins. Or there is binder clips to the pot and strings to the stems and train away. If you want to train it let it grow trained and fim the new tops that shoot up. Peace, be safe MD