LST Question?


Active Member
so im starting a lst grow with my cfl's and when you bend the stem down horizontally it works fine but when you turn it into a circle the stem kinda like broke but its in tact its kinda like a seedling/vegative state, how would i do that part?


Well-Known Member
never had it happen to me, i have seen some growers talking about duct tape to mend it
i think the standard horticultural method is to repair with bees wax(or some kind of wax)


Well-Known Member
never had it happen to me, i have seen some growers talking about duct tape to mend it
i think the standard horticultural method is to repair with bees wax(or some kind of wax)
That's great infor. Beeswax or wax. I have used tape (duct,electrical,medical) But the wax is a great way to keep the plant healthly...Im going to pick some up. Thanks! As for LST u do it gradually as it grows some plants r easier than others...They have minds of their own LOL! Good luck bro.
Peace & Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
Use a bandaid or take like a 1 inch wide strip of paper and wrap it around the split, keep it tight then tape the paper instead of the plant.