

Well-Known Member
unless you break it, you wont fuck it up... tie it down and see what happens!

two things: bend slow so you dont damage the stem and dont put the stem/leaf in the dirt, that leads to rot.

i wanna start growing mine in animal shapes like they do at Disney World :D


Well-Known Member
lol bfq what animal u ganna make a elephant?and i would give it 3days but that just me let it get comfortable to it new home kinda


Well-Known Member
i wanna try Lst but nervous to fuck up my plant. ne real good sugg.?
"Softly softly catchy monkey."
If youre worried bout stress or snapping the stem, jus pull it over a lil each day. just go easy on it til you know your plants limit.

Being as you've just transplanted, prolly a good idea to leave it a day or so before you start some gentle LST'ing.
If you have any rhizotonic or superthrive or any other shock/anti-stress additive, use it to be on the safe side.

I am currently pulling my NL#1 over around twice per day, but its growing at quite a rate of knots, and was rapidly overtaking my grow space.
I use my wifes knitting wool, and duct tape to hold it to the pots, or wire to pre drilled holes in the rim of the pots.


Well-Known Member
No it should be fine compadre..
The Rhizo or whatever just helps ensure minimal stress, but its not really necessary.
I have that stuff laying around and always use it to be as sure as is poss that i've kept any stress to a minimum.

Good luck, but i doubt you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
i did it yesterday i used the hanger in u's. and today its already reaching for the sky. it beautiful


Active Member
Thats the way brother - I kept tying down my girls then I'd get all freaked out and untie. i finally just went for it. Now my plants have 12+ tops each, are about two feet in diameter, and only 1 foot high. LST all the way.

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
Im at about my 4th node, the plant is coming up on 4 weeks old, i think its time to LST.

Can anyone confirm if im safe to start?


Well-Known Member
nice bro. thats an indica right?
Thanks. I believe so, Some bagseed from bags that just usually don't have seeds. Planted three, I have one confirmed fem, and I'm about 90% sure that of the other 2, one is female and one is male. I won't cut it till I'm sure though.