Lucas Formula For DYNA-GRO By cannatari


Well-Known Member
If you are interested in using DYNA-GRO instead of GH for the Lucas Formula here is my best shot at the recipe:

Manufactuer's Proven Analysis

----------FLORA SERIES----------

Grams/ml liquid 1.22691 1.14894 1.1124 1.15076

NO3 Nitrate 4.7% 1.75% 3.7%
NH4 Ammoniacal 0.3% 0.25% 0.3%
NH2 Urea 1.0%
Total N 5% 2% 5%
P (as P2O5) 5% 1%
K (as K2O) 1% 4% 6% 1%
Mg 1.5% 0.5%
S 1%
Ca 5% 1%
Fe 0.1% 0.1%
Mn 0.05% 0.05%
Mo 0.0008% 0.0008%
Co 0.0005% 0.0005%
B=absent from MICRO & HWMICRO guar analysis but potassium borate listed as a derivative.
Zn=absent from MICRO & HWMICRO guar analysis but zinc nitrate listed as a derivative.
Cu=absent from MICRO & HWMICRO guar analysis but copper nitrate listed as a derivative.

Grams/ml liquid

NO3 Nitrate 2.5% 4.75%
NH4 Ammoniacal 0.5% 2.25%
NH2 Urea
Total N 3% 7% 2%
P (as P2O5) 12% 9% 15%
K (as K2O) 6% 5% 4% 3.7%
Mg 0.5% 0.5% 2%
S 1.5%
Ca 2% 2%
Fe 0.1% 0.1%
B 0.02% 0.02%
Mn 0.05% 0.05%
Zn 0.05% 0.05%
Mo 0.0015% 0.0015%
Na 0.1% 0.1%
Cu 0.05% 0.05%
Cl 0.1% 0.1%
Co 0.0015% 0.0015%
SiO2 7.8%
:wall:Well my collumns got screwed up! :wall:
Here is the charts on .txt:
View attachment analysischarts.txt

The Lucas Formula Recipe -GH

Usage: MICRO BLOOM @ 1:2 ratio

N - P - K - Mg -Ca
5 -10 - 9- 1.5 - 5

The Lucas Formula Recipe - DYNA-GRO

Usage: GROW MAG-PRO PRO-TeKt @ 1/2:1/2:1 ratio

N - P - K - Mg - Ca
4.5 - 12 - 8.2 - 1.25 - 2


As you can see the 2 recipe's ratios are very close and definitely within the broad range of nutrient profiles for cannabis.

The convenience of multiples of equal parts was also preserved in the Dyna recipe.

Dyna is 30% more concentrated so is less expensive overall.

The Dyna formula contains added micronutrients and supplemental silicon absent in the GH formula.

The GH formula has 60% more Calcium which makes Dyna more suited for hardwater.

This report is not attempting to prove any argument, it's just an equation. Please feel free to discuss.

I've been feeding with this formula for a few days. Progress reports and final results will be posted in my journal. I don't have any experience using the Lucas Formula or GH products. I use Dyna-gro. The Lucas Formula was used as a model for making a cannabis specific Dyna-Gro formula for my own use. It looks better on paper than the GH so I'm excited to see what happens. Unfortunately I am not able to do a side-by-side comparison grow BTWBC.
Just did the math. The 3 Dyna bottles total $41.50, the GH $35.58 (Quarts).
Dyna is 33% more concentrated: $41.50/3=$13.83. Dyna is $27.67 for the same treated gallons.
I entered the Dyna-Gro formula into this nutrient profile spreadsheet:
After adding my local water quality report numbers to it I have new ratios:
Target N-P-K-Mg: 100-100-200-60
Formula 1: Usage: Grow-ProTeKt-MagPro @ 3-14-6 = 132-135-199-52
Formula 2: Usage: Bloom-ProTeKt-MagPro @ 5-15-5 = 111-156-231-49
Problem with Formula 1 is that it only has 3ml/Gallon of Grow which is where all the micronutrients come from. Formula 2 has 5ml of Bloom and results in a more desirable level of micronutrients and the formula preserved equal proportions of 5ml. Grow and Bloom both contain the exact same levels of micronutrients. Remember that these formulas are based on West Sacramento water quality at 150ppm . N, Ca and Mg being the major proponents. Also note that while my ratios are higher than the GH formula, the Dyna is only 710ppm where the GH is closer to 1200ppm! What this tells me first is that if I mixed my formula to 1200ppm I'm nearly doubling the nutrient values of the GH formula! Dodged a bullet there! So if your using Dyna keep your ppm lower than what everybody else is using. Maybe this has been one of my problems all along. I'm curious what is in the GH that makes it so heavy yet weak. My guess is that GH knows people overfeed their plants and have padded their formulas to protect themselves from people burning plants with their products. Not a bad idea as this makes Dyna more difficult to achieve good results with if you aren't aware of it's high concentration. This was not information that I thought the spreadsheet would reveal to me but it may be the info I didn't know I needed. I honestly have no idea how people are able to wrecklessly integrate 3 or 4 supplements on top of their regular feeding and have successful crops. Proof positive that manufacturers need to sell us watered down products to protect us from ourselves.
GREAT .txt file. Thank you for your work. I've concerted it to a .xls spreadsheet so I can add my recipe and compare. Dyna-Gro is GREAT product, not too many people know about it.
The problem with trying to 'lucas-ize' the DynaGro line is that you'll hurt your yields by doing so. You don't want to try to emulate that formula as DG's nutrient content and ratios are vastly superior to that of the lucas formula and any 3 part system. I've probably run 6-8 side-by-side comparisons now with GH vs DG and DynaGro always wins, always. Better product, better yields, in both dirt and hydro.
This thread is a great find! I've just started learning about nutrients and Dyna-Gro is the only one I can get where I live...

I have too many questions. What in the Dyna-Gro line would be their equivalent of a "Micro" product?
the problem with trying to do lucas in dyna gro is that the protekt adds no ppm/ec value, none. I use dyna gro and never go over 5 mls/gallon of protekt. You will be adding so much ph down if you go that route, just stay away from that