Lucy, Demitry, For Aco


Active Member
My girl lucy works in mistirious ways. All my tripper familly from Dimitry, to Kitty even 4 aco...the question is do you look out for tripps, or do the tripps somehow mysteriously find you!!!???!!!


I personally was always found by lucy or demitry and even the mushroom anolouges, however when i look for them they always hide lol....Its kind of like manifesting. I remember when i got my first 10 vials right before this festi season, and i remember how all i said was wow all i want for festi season is some cid...I didnt go looking for it, just had the wish for it in back of my mind...lo and behold 3 days later i meet my cnct for that time....ofcourse the person dissapeared, that just how lucy works, she has her own way with life haha:-P


Yah I freaked out on cid 2 years ago; just found me a couple weeks ago. A great time indeed!


Well-Known Member
Still waiting on the kitty to find me. I let Lucy find me and I also seek her out as well.


Active Member
I don't believe in fate. I think things just happen. When dealing with strong psychedelics I would caution anyone to be careful not to believe your own hallucinations because that then becomes delusion.