Luke I am your father.. I am just a cheap one! Sour Sky-walker OG w/ Jacks Pro..


New Member
I am always down for reading what the "cult" following grows are doing, and one of them has been using Jack's Pro Hydroponic and Cal-Nit combo. So I thought I would do ONE more grow log with my findings.

After about a month researching this, and it's not very straight forward as many threads are derailed, never updated etc. So things like how people mix these two, how much to run etc.. are a bit confusing. So... I bit the bullet and ordered two FIVE POUND bags of each for under 50 bucks shipped. Cheap?! Wow that's welfare cheap! Especially most are running jacks in Ebb and Flow or Hempy buckets, not too many DWC buckets.

I ordered my combo bucket here:

Order these Nutrients Here

This was the first step that was confusing, only real green houses carry this stuff. I couldn't find any decent online retailers that were open or had any stock, or just too confusing to order it. JR Peters site is where you need to go, I ordered on a Monday and received mine on a Thursday the same week. I was wondering how to store these powders as the site shows them in a bag, but they ended up in plastic pails! Nice.


Also they come with a scoop, damn it's Christmas!! They also threw a nice double logo scoop in that was broken by the weight of the massive 5lb tubs (at least compared to the little ones I have bought in the past).

Now to get my usual 400-500 ppm of solution I did the following :

  • Filled the 2 gallon veg bucket up with 1 gallon of RO (Reverse Osmosis) water.
  • Added Hydroponic 5-12-26 at 3/8 teaspoon.
  • Mix well.
  • Added 1/4 teaspoon of Epsom Salts mixed in warm water, then added to 1 gallon Hydro solution already with Jack's.
  • Mix well.
  • This is the most important step from what I have gathered, is adding the Calcium Nitrate (Cal-Nit). I used a separate gallon jug of RO water and added 1/4 teaspoon of Cal-Nit and mixed well, THEN added it to my bucket of solution. Mixing in the Cal-Nit directly in your solution bucket can cause chemical participates (junk and particles of fertilizer reacting together in too strong concentrate).
  • Added DutchMasters Gold Zone at 1ml per gallon. (Trying sterile in buckets as well).

At that rate if these work as expected these tubs will last me MANY MANY YEARS!!! I will probably have to buy more because they are solid blocks from humidity from sitting so long! That would be AWESOME!

Here is my Sour Sky-Walker OG at about 1 week of veg, this is the first day in Jack's solution, as she was in Dyna for a week prior.


I am running this on a Berry Bomb plant as well that is in veg day one in this same solution. We will see how the two strains like or dis-like the solution with Jack's.


Both plants will be scrogged and vegged/flowered like normal to limit the tangibles in this experiment.

The solution has a slight blue hue to it, with the Cal-Nit dye. Seems clean and pure mixes really fast, and well. No sitting with the solutions I made them then in they go to the plants. I NEVER do any of that horse shit that others seem to be sacramental if you do not do it. Pfft.

Hopefully we can get an answer on if these fertilizers work as people state, and at the cost it was worth the effort to find out.

[video=youtube;rUeUymxie8g] index=17[/video]


New Member
Well been a few hours for some plants, and man it seems like they "picked" up a notch but maybe it's my medicated eyes again. Sometimes they deceive me, but nothing negative. I even put a Grape Fruit Kush 3 weeks into flower on this nutrient at 650-700 ppm at the moment. I still think maybe too high, we will see.

Either way I have a semi-chub going on, that this stuff is the real deal.

Oh I forgot the best part this is all you need all grow long, which is cool. You just can add/subtract the Cal-Nit which provides the nitrogen for different stages, I hope to be able to play with "custom" ratios to see differences etc..


Well-Known Member
Nice Buddah best of luck on this ill be watching closely sir after all our convo on the subject in ur other grow thread im thinkin bout getting in touch with jr peters and giveing the jacks pro another go.. Like u i think id tweak the cal-nit thru flower becuase my plants did get extremely leafy.. But like said man the root system these nutes produce and the fact ive never really heard a bad thing come from the jacks pro im really intrigued again and wanting to make them work for my system. Best of luck.


New Member
Nice Buddah best of luck on this ill be watching closely sir after all our convo on the subject in ur other grow thread im thinkin bout getting in touch with jr peters and giveing the jacks pro another go.. Like u i think id tweak the cal-nit thru flower becuase my plants did get extremely leafy.. But like said man the root system these nutes produce and the fact ive never really heard a bad thing come from the jacks pro im really intrigued again and wanting to make them work for my system. Best of luck.
From what I am seeing in the first 24hours with this stuff is I am LIKING it... tops are lime green (growing fast) that was not there yesterday. I have switched actually all my tester strains in veg now to Jacks and I have seen similiar results on ALL strains. Even my GrapeFruit Kush in flower was praying to the light gods, last night before lights out that life is good!

Also if you follow my mixing directions, there is NOTHING floating at all in the buckets and so far 36 hours or so later. I didn't think I would like powders but I am HOPING these work out I would LOVE to get rid of most if not ALL my liquids. I might even try AMSIL16 or something like that, it is a powder silica like ProTekt.

It mixes well, smells and looks clean. Even so that I am trying some sterile buckets with DutchMasters Zone only and some H2o2 for good measure. So far roots are pearly white and stringing along as good or better then my AquaShield and Bene's plants.

One thing that is flooring me is that it is happening on low ppm solutions, 200-300ppm (.6EC) on all veg buckets, I lowered them to compensate for my lower RH in veg this time of year 20-30% if that. My flower bucket is at 800ppm (1.6EC) which I think might still be tad too hot. If this trend continues this two tubs will last me a LIFETIME haha.. this cannot be correct. We will see.

I am waiting few days for pics so some differences can be seen, I topped the Skywalker and cut some dying fans off. Also I will snap some pics of the other strains now on Jacks at the same stage of growth, like a SuperSour OG and a Juicy Fruit Regular Seed (I am on my 7th @#!&(*@^ seed of this strain and all males so far.)

Oh and the Berry Bomb roots will blow you away the growth in the past 24-36 hours... its EXPLODING! My other nutes never did this hmm.. not sure if its the nutes, zone or maybe lower ppm then ever before.


Active Member
Interested to see how this treats you compared to DG.

Does it mix pretty easy in water or clump up like nesquick chocolate milk mix?


New Member
Interested to see how this treats you compared to DG.

Does it mix pretty easy in water or clump up like nesquick chocolate milk mix?
They mix pretty damn well at least the small dosages I am mixing. Not one granual I can see left, that's mixing it it 68 degree waters too. Nothing left after a good paint mixer thrashing with my drill and mixer for a few seconds or shaking in gallon jug.

Almost all of my plants in my experiment room are on this as I want to see its effects on as many strains as possible before I jump ship. Nothing but growth and green right now. Roots are exploding on every plant it seems to be really well in dwc at least so far.

Many others also report easy and well mixing, the only complaint is that one times it has parcipitated or shit floating after done. That means someone mixed too high concentrate into main res of cal-nit or some other additive. So far with Jacks I have been using gallon jug to mix cal-nit then adding to main bucket works like a charm.

Pics when lights come on today, Berry Bomb, SuperSour OG and Sour Skywalker all loving it. Like I said every plant loves it so far, especially my clones in hempy they seem to REALLY love it.


Active Member
Sounds good, I'm still rockin osmocote +
its too early to say but it plays well in veg and is as easy as it gets.

Keep the great posts flowing, I look forward to seeing this play out


New Member
Sounds good, I'm still rockin osmocote +
its too early to say but it plays well in veg and is as easy as it gets.

Keep the great posts flowing, I look forward to seeing this play out
Will do I use the hempys just for mothers and clones now, as I have yet to see the growth rate and size that DWC affords me when dialed in. I am always down for easy, I show some clones that have been feed this nutrient in a while. They REALLY seem to love this stuff, actually everything does so far.


New Member
I was cutting down the DynaGro Chemdog this morning here is one of the cola shots, probably 22+ colas this size from the SCROG. I am guessing this plant is near 8oz dry probably my biggest pig yet, was drinking 1.5 gallons day at the end! Oh and guess what.. pretty much 80% of the fan leaves gone at the end chop, the flowers just kept getting HUGE! Hmm.. oh noes DON'T cut those fan leaves... lol.


That is a 16oz solo behind that, this was NOT the biggest cola but probably a good median for general size.

Now here is a root comparison from 36 hours ago since inducing Jacks to the BerryBomb (some browning roots is just bene's dying since I changed from beneficials to sterile week in or so). The growth is nice from what I am used too, very rapid and nice overal development.


Here is one of my Sour Skywalker OGs in hempy with just Jacks for last 3 days. I wish I had a pic before but this is one of the healthiest clones in the bin now, since this all clones are on Jacks diet.


I'll try to get some Flower pictures tonight when lights come on, the whole flower experiment room is going Jacks to get answers NOW. LOL. It's like Christmas for my wallet!!


Active Member
You do great things with chemdog!

The Jacks water looks really clear and the roots seem to be a fan. Even the clones love it!

Let me know when you have a few chemdog clones looking for a good home


Active Member
Oh, you get 0 ppm with your RO unit right. What is it after you add Epsom salt to the Rez? Does it rais your PPM much? I added 1 teaspoon per gallon to my Rez and the PPM shot up, did I add too much?


New Member
Oh, you get 0 ppm with your RO unit right. What is it after you add Epsom salt to the Rez? Does it rais your PPM much? I added 1 teaspoon per gallon to my Rez and the PPM shot up, did I add too much?
My RO is shitty well water (600+ppm) down to 0-10PPM. Mostly 0 so I say it is that. I know Epsom (Mg) adds like close to 200ppm yes at ~1 tsp per gallon. I only do this because of my RO I am thinking, so if you are not using RO at that acidity or ppm then maybe you don't need it.

I can do a ppm chart next time I do a batch for flower, my GrapeFruit kush on Jacks 3.5 bucket is going to get a 5 gallon change soon, I can do a step chart on the amount I am using in all my additives. I should do that anyway, THANKS. Especially if I am going to dial this jacks in, I been busy with some classes I am taking I just started using the jacks and really did not do my usual journal.


Active Member
I hear ya, they do a lot of 2 liter hempy grows on world of hempy, check it out.

also, have you tried main-lining? I've been reading up on that too. I bet you could bring some weight main-lining


New Member
I hear ya, they do a lot of 2 liter hempy grows on world of hempy, check it out.

also, have you tried main-lining? I've been reading up on that too. I bet you could bring some weight main-lining

Nah I am going to have to read on that, I am all about streamlining shit to make my ass lazier, without giving up quality and standards I expect. Worst I get out of experiment is some kick ass Skywalker OG at the end enough for me but shit that's cool! The data and experience for one measly clone is so worth it, I am always thinking and tinkering (wife beats me for it) but hey in the end we both benefit.


Active Member
True story, I'm running a few 2 liter coco hempys right now along side a 2 gallon hempy to see what happens. They just went into flower so it's going to be a bit before the results are in.

im with you, this needs to be a fairly quick/easy hobby for me not a full time job.


Well-Known Member
Welcome froggie! I stared at your sig for about 10 mins on this White Rhino and I seen all kinds of crazy shit.. haha thanks for that. Mostly titties and vajayjays but... some crazy beasts and eyes...
It was a tadpole a month ago,Tht WS is awesome, mine looked like it snowned on it the last 2 of Flower!
Got a extra WF and thinking of doing a Auto,As ive never grown one and have a chit load.
Wanna see what one in DWC will do!
