Lumens and Watts per plant

I've read a lot on different peoples opinions on lumens/watts per plant/sq. footage. I know there are a lot of variables, I have a 400 watt system, claims 55,000 lumens and I'm planning on putting it in a small 3.5 x 3.5 ft area. Mylared in and ventilated, etc etc.

I was thinking about getting 4 plants in there, maybe 5. Is this going to be enough lumens/watts/space for that many plants?


Active Member
i say 5 plants would fit just right :+: top after the 5th node and (lst)low stress train them using yarn and thumb tacks. works to keep the short but branchy! god luck

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Make sure you use a vented hood.

This is a nice little hood with 4" flanges and glass sealed.

*Note if you do not have a sun systems Ballest you will have to switch out the cord.

