lung cancer and other benifits of cigarettes


Well-Known Member
Ya, it sucks losing someone to something so preventable. I understand how hard it is to quit for some people, but it just doesn't make sense to harm yourself to the point of cancer. We have these neighbors below us that i swear smoke every 10 mins. I had to put up that plastic shit over the window they smoke below because i would wake up with sore throats and feeling nasty. And thats just from what they were doing. I couldnt imagine the way i would feel if i smoked like they did. They are kinda old and set in their ways lol. They have nasty ass teeth, i hear em coughing up their lung all day too. I honestly feel bad for people like that, but I also have no tolerance for self degradation to the point of death.

Anyways, it sucks to lose someone no matter what the cause is though and you guys have my regards.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
my cuz called me this saturday to tell me everything was going well, she was lying.... her mom called me today to let me know that they put her in a medically induced coma to controll the pain this morning until she passes. she was 45. what a fucking waste. i haven't cried this much since my dad died.
Oh man thats a rough ticket :(

I'm very sorry for your loss, I'm sure shes breathing easy and pain free up in heaven..


Global Moderator
Staff member
my cuz called me this saturday to tell me everything was going well, she was lying.... her mom called me today to let me know that they put her in a medically induced coma to controll the pain this morning until she passes. she was 45. what a fucking waste. i haven't cried this much since my dad died.
My sincerest sympathies.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone. on a lighter note, my older brother, 2 of my sisters and my 85 year old mom took off for maine this afternoon. that is going to be 1 long ass 2000 mile trip. i'll be surprised they don't kill each other by the time they get there.


i watched my wifes uncle with emphysema smoke a cigarette last night while he gagged and lost his breath and it made me think of how fucked up these little things are. It was sad to see someone blindly following the path that killed his father.


Well-Known Member
still waiting for the news. i'm glad my brother took my mom up there to be with our aunt. they were north of boston a few hours ago.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that kevin. I drastically cut down about a month ago. Went from a pack a day for about 3 years to 2 or 3 ciggs a week, so im doing damn good, best ive ever done. Plan on cutting them out of my life for good today.