sorry if its a thread already on marc emery but i just had to get it off my chest.It sucks how they look at emery, they and when i say they i mean the DEA that is secretly watching people in other parts of the world besides the u.s including canada,pakistan and mexico.Anyways they consider marc emery to be a drug kingpin,do you know what a "kingpin" is someone that owns a cartel that smuggles millions of kilos of cocain into the u.s and could give a shit about helping another with all that money and 9 times out of 10 there weapons involved and lots of D.O.A found over a deal going bad.Thats a kingpin marc emery is none of the above,all he did was talk about how the world would be a better place if weed was legal and sold seeds that are collectors items only and illegal if germ. but come on he didnt put a gun to peoples heads and made them germ the seeds thats why i think its bulls**t. theres bigger fish in the sea to fry that are more of a risk then marc emery