Madame Pelosi


Well-Known Member
Don't you love how Ms Pelosi took it upon herself to toss aside the small private jet that is normally assigned for the Speaker of the House and replace it with a BIG FAT 200 seat USAF Boeing 757 ?

Yes, she wanted a plane that could get her back from Washington to California non stop. No big deal right? Sure, it cost us taxpayers thousands of gallons of fuel EVERY WEEK. How much you ask? Oh about $60,000 ONE WAY. She works 3 days a week, then back to California, then on Monday back to work for another 60K. Yep, $480,000 A MONTH for the taxpayers just so madame pelosi can go to work and back. Annually? Oh yea, that is $5,760,000

No wonder she is complaining about the cost of this might cramp her style. She's styling alright, on my back and yours. Madame Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires.




Well-Known Member
Don't you love how Ms Pelosi took it upon herself to toss aside the small private jet that is normally assigned for the Speaker of the House and replace it with a BIG FAT 200 seat USAF Boeing 757 ?

Yes, she wanted a plane that could get her back from Washington to California non stop. No big deal right? Sure, it cost us taxpayers thousands of gallons of fuel EVERY WEEK. How much you ask? Oh about $60,000 ONE WAY. She works 3 days a week, then back to California, then on Monday back to work for another 60K. Yep, $480,000 A MONTH for the taxpayers just so madame pelosi can go to work and back. Annually? Oh yea, that is $5,760,000

No wonder she is complaining about the cost of this might cramp her style. She's styling alright, on my back and yours. Madame Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires.

You are really on a "I'm an American but I hate my country" rant aren't you bluetick?

Have a gander of the cost of our "Wars" and compare it to Nancy's air fare.

I'd say she has a reason to object to it's cost.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If the $5 million per year travel figure is accurate she can have my carbon footprint right upside her self important ass, let her fucking walk. What the war has cost is ludicrous but is by no means a justification for Pelosi or anyone to waste money on cross country junkets. I'm sick of politicians acting like royalty.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind spending money to keep this country safe from TERRORIST. $3,000 since 2001? So what. I am also sure that figure has to do with salaries of our forces and foods and etc.. added in which we would be paying anyways. I'm not pro war and I am not anti war, but I am for keeping America safe. There has been plenty of wasted money for things that are unnecessary like the new US EMBASSY in Baghdad.

Out of all of the intelligent people in this country with such great ideas and sharp minds, these are the best people we could put into office? Give me a break!


New Member
gov't never defined my country and never WILL...this has nothing to do w/ being an american and "hating your country" NW buds

we've payed for the expense of these wars through tax dollars too...many of them were fought for FALSE reasons or reasons that changed after we invaded. all our support went to these wars. do you know how much army food costs? there's nothing special about it- and we, taxpayers, pay up to 100 bucks per meal for ARMY food?? the filthy-rich politicians who're treated like royalty w/1st class everything reap the benefits from these "costly wars" cuz they're sure as hell not paying for them. they profit from war- must we glimpse @ history to PROVE it?

they live like royalty and we justify it by showing how we suffer from their choices anyway?


Well-Known Member
Awesome. Lovin' u bluetick. Right on the money. Funny to see people on the opposite side of the fence, better yet, on the opposite side of American's best interest, try to defend her actions by means of equivocation. Just like Obama and Biden, she's a self-serving narcissist. Just look at the botox on her! Lol. Actions speak louder than words, and her actions are indicative of someone clearly detached from reality, and the "commoners" she supposedly represents. Truly disgraceful.


Well-Known Member
you forgot to mention the cost of the crew and the maintenance and up keep of the is actualy costing the tax payer around 300K a trip..if you include like i said.the crew and maint. on the aircraft.
what i find so funny is how the dems were all over the auto execs when they flew to dc in their private planes and they all bitched because they were using tax payers money and they were in debt and broke...i guess no one told the dems we as a nation are in debt and they spend money like drunk sailors in a whore house..our money we get to pay back.


New Member
Well, can we believe a statist democrat when it comes to Pelosi's credibility? Check out what Leon Panetta has to say about her.

The woman is a blatant liar who is only concerned with her own power and perks.
