Made bho for the first time


Active Member
okay, so i dont post to much on here but but i made my fist batch of BHO the other day using the honey bee oil extractor, an ounce of trimmings and small buds ground in a clean coffee bean grinder and one can of vector butane. And just took a hit using the hot knife technique.... and well its taking me about ten minutes to write this little bit and i think i might go watch some netflix now. Just thought i would share


Well-Known Member
my buddy just made some the other day. he got probably a grams worth... no way to fully know for sure


Well-Known Member
so about 8 years ago me and my son who was 17 at the time decided to make some BHO. I made a tube from some plumbing stuff and we packed the tube and I put the butane can in the top hole and let her rip, it was a big can. Well when it was empty I took it away, big F'n mistake, boys hold in it there for a while till the pressure equalizes Well the 55 grams came out that little hole in about a second, the shit was everywhere, we looked at each other and started laughing our asses off. It look like a green paint bomb went off, we learned from that one, but also a moment me and my son still laugh about. :cool::joint: