Made my own rap drunk on red wine


Well-Known Member
I wrote this myself while drunk as fuck on some red wine this rap/poem says alot about me and it is infact a 1st draft hope everyone likes please enjoy. I wrote it to this beat.
You know... theres alot of fucked up things wrong with me... I'ma just let ya know
Things they don't know in me
Evil spreading through me like HIV
All these crazy fucking thoughts take their toll
of all these things I once thought where part of me
They take control, drankin a whole bottle on my own, leaves me cryin all the fuck alone
Like a dog with no bone shittin bricks and fuckin stoned
Digging a hole but nothings known
Liars allways hiding but allways fuckin shown
It takes a soul of chrome to endure, I can see through you like a plane with FLIR
Never be too sure that rotten bitch be a whore.
Never doubt the route it takes to strive, an die, in the lime, light
Never give up allways fight so high fight a kite for flight
Not allways standing up for whats right
Never think her flowers ripe
Whos to gripe?
Your getting old, your horrible morals show
All the evil you've know will blow,
Up in your face unless you slow down the pace
This life you've allways known is a fading fucking place.
Nothings can't replace what you once known
Let it not be known, but be shown. To each they know their own.
Disvover thy holy trinity
My soul lives in nocturnal infinity
When I die I hope you remeber me
why you worried about your money we could be living life for free, infinitly(, Infamy)
all the zombies walk around in a mental penentiary
I represent the spritual and much much more
spreading my vision of this fucked up world
To all these people that have no clue what we, human beings, are here for
you know I use to drink a shitload. Real scotch on the rocks or no ice just plain in a glass. Would finish a bottle by myself, really heavy shit. Then one day I had to choose and I gave it up just like that, but and this is a big but, I smoke a shitload of weed and I smoke often but I quit drinking. I do still miss drinking but I deal better with the world stoned rather than drunk. But we all are different so I would say different strokes for different folks. I would have to agree though that the world is a fucked up place....
I've drank for 4 years straight. Ever since I was 18 and my baby mama left me now I drink at least 6 24 oz beers a day. I know its a problem and Ima have to give it up eventually. But fuck it I love the taste of beer almost as much as I love the taste of the buddah.
There is a lot of power in positive thinking. Living life miserable is a miserable way to live. There is alot of shit thrown at us in life but if you dwell on the bad things the only one it affects is ourselves. Dwell on the positive things and try to smile more and frown less. You may find you start enjoying life.
I also find that writing poems, songs even venting through a journal helps. Any creativity is a good thing.