Mag. Def Not working


Active Member
i cant understand what u say or what u ask for , u say that mag definatelly didnt worked , or mag deficiency didnt worked ?

i see that the plants have many vegetative growth and the bags u use for pots seem tiny for that plant size , how much time are the plants in the same bag ? now i saw the last pic with bags biger than the plant so this may not be the case , mg deficiency will not disapear just by one time feed , what did u fed up ? does it have calcium along mg ? u can get off with this by adding one crushed eggshell per pot and water with a bit softer water

again , im not sure on what to look for the way u set the thread could u please rephrase ?


Well-Known Member
hey man, i love your grow room setup. i cant really see your pictures through your HPS. but if it was magnesium deficiency that you fixed, your plants will start growing again. the damaged leaves will not recover. what i love to do for mg deficiency is to foilar spray with cal-mag and also adding 5ml/gal to my nutrients


Well-Known Member
Urgod, I think my plants have got some cal/mag defs.

Do you foliar spray NON-diluted cal-mag?? If you do dilute it, the ratio to cal-mag to water? Foliar spray when lights are off correct? (only have 2 CFLs atm, getting 600w mh/hps digital setup within the next week or so)

Ive added 5-7ml/gal in the res, however the leaves are looking better but still signs of def, so I wanna see if the foliar spray clears everything up. The defs look like brown/rusty/decayed spots on my leaves. Both new and older grow is affected. Pics can be provided if needed. Been battling this def for 2 weeks now, any help is appreicated =D


Well-Known Member
@ Vumar use 5ml/gal calmag or 1-2tsb/gal epsom salt. you have to dilute it with water! make sure your deficiency is really a mag deficiency (you should see stripes on the leaves). necrotic brown rusty spots is probably some other kind of deficiency and i suspect you have been underfeeding your plants. whats your nute schedule and PH?


Well-Known Member
PH 5.5-6.25
EC is 1.0-1.3
Nute line is Sensi Grow A/B Hydro Nutes with Cal-Mag
6 plants, 6 gal bubbleponic system.


Well-Known Member
you using tap or RO water? your EC might be too low if its tap water. make sure you follow your manufacturers guidelines


Well-Known Member
Day 29 (2).jpgDay 38 (leaf issues) (12).jpgDay 38 (leaf issues) (13).jpgDay 38 (leaf issues) (21).jpgDay 29 (4).jpgDay 29 (13).jpgBrown Spots (6).jpg

The tips of some leaves also are distorted. Ive done a lot of reading and Im CONVIENCED its mag/cal defs


Well-Known Member
24/0 light cycle, 2 CFLS atm till 600w is setup
Res temps 65-75
Humidity is 45%-60%


Well-Known Member
no man,i really dont think its not. just amp up your nutes. i think your just underfeeding your plants


Well-Known Member
yeah, 1.0 EC, so your ppm is like 500 or 700.. normal PPM range should be around 1000


Well-Known Member
Yeah its in random spots. New and old growth. U want me to take a video for ya? lol give ya a tour ;P


Well-Known Member
you using tap or RO water? your EC might be too low if its tap water. make sure you follow your manufacturers guidelines
No not at 1.0-1.3 I consider that over feeding IMO. I like 650-800 ppm .08ish EC. I'm not a expert but I find my plants like it best at lower concentrations. Sometimes some growers think they have a cal mag def and start adding cal mag to they're feeding regiment, but so many people don't understand if using hard tap water its actually enriched and the water is locking it out due to excess cal mag. RO is the way to go period. Start at 0. If you have a good nutrient line then likely it has all the cal and mag you need. Test your water before nutrients, if over 200 then look into RO. sells them for $115 for a 150GPD system. Best price on the net that I could find.