Magic Flight Box, any good?


Well-Known Member
Well I see they are about $100. I already own a Silver Surfer Vaporizer, but I am also interested in a portable vape.

So are they any good? I heard the batteries only last like 5 minutes, is that true?

Also I hear that you have to put battery in, let vapor appear, pull battery inhale-repeat. In other words you cant draw more then once without the heating element actually burning the weed?
Man you need to check more reviews from some actual users before you decide...I've had one for a year and use it's NOTHING like you posted......
Yes, the Launch Box is definitely a great little portable vape....being a 40 yr stoner doesn't make me an expert but.....that seller doesn't know his ass...... all my toking friends now have one because of the stealth and efffectiveness with so little weed....the batts are NIMH that lasts about 15 hits....ya get 4-5 hits off one load of approx .1g...yeah...1 tenth of a gram.....I own other vapes but my MFLB is the one I carry around with me ALL the time....I can afford more expensive ones but why should I when the LB is perfect in technology, use and effectiveness.....after a year of daily use, it's still like new....I also have the LAUNCH TUBE....another quality instrument but more of a conversation I said...go to you-tube and watch/listen.....
so haha did the 2300 boost time quite a bit?

boost time? Once you charge the Batts it takes literally 5 sec for it to be ready to hit! Seriously no joke. You hit it for about 5 to 7 sec then shake it and repeat. Plus you only really need to use about .2 of a gram for every "bowl" or "Trench"
i just saw a video on its operation. it seems like a quality product to me from the videos at least.

The removal process makes sense now.

i decided to try one out, the price was right and it looks like it would work.
Maybe i can finally get wacked out with a vape.

boost time? Once you charge the Batts it takes literally 5 sec for it to be ready to hit! Seriously no joke. You hit it for about 5 to 7 sec then shake it and repeat. Plus you only really need to use about .2 of a gram for every "bowl" or "Trench"
ah what I meant was the stock batteries a much lower mah, meaning 2300 lasted much longer......
ah what I meant was the stock batteries a much lower mah, meaning 2300 lasted much longer......

Ah yea they do last much longer especially overtime, Energizer makes it, also that they are a higher mah the herb seems to burn a bit hotter so the hit is a bit more thick

Another note, if you do decided to take the plunge, when your hitting it, you basically "sip" very very slowly. I didn't know that and i was like WTF a POS but once you get that air flow down it really becomes Magical!

And Another Note* holding multiple hits in you can take MASSIVE RIPS, its pretty fun
Ah yea they do last much longer especially overtime, Energizer makes it, also that they are a higher mah the herb seems to burn a bit hotter so the hit is a bit more thick

Another note, if you do decided to take the plunge, when your hitting it, you basically "sip" very very slowly. I didn't know that and i was like WTF a POS but once you get that air flow down it really becomes Magical!

And Another Note* holding multiple hits in you can take MASSIVE RIPS, its pretty fun
so haha it sounds like this will make a excellent addition to my SSV. Question how does it smell? Same as any vape pretty much concealed smell....not like the dead give away when burnt?
There is really NO smell, its crazy. When i first got it I would do vapor stealth shots in the movie theaters all the time. no smell at all. that and its very easy to conceal.

Yea dude you know whats up you got the SSV, I have a vaporborthers and water pipe set up.
I own a MFLB...Puffing it right now... I should Do a youtube review of it here soon I have planned to for a bit but Just lazy ..... I love the thing........ A Well Used battery Will last A Trench Worth (a bowl) Maybe Two.... Rechargeable batteries slowly Become Sucky Over time anyways, So I say a Normal Well Used battery Because it seems when I first got them they lasted a bit longer, And slowly Discharge To Un-chargeable Crap after several months ...... I got a 15$ 15 Minute Charger And Some Spare Batteries At wally-world ....
It really is a slow Rip ...I don't let others use mine because The Idiots don't know WTF is happening And then Shit talk it lolz ....Once you spend some time with it and get the hang of it you won't go back....You'll be loving melting trichs with the MFLB <3